How to Get Hot Wing Sauce out of Couch Fabric
- 1). Blot excess hot sauce from the couch with clean paper towels or a clean rag. Apply the towels or rag gently to the stain so as not to further spread it over the upholstery.
- 2). Make a cleaning solution of 1 tablespoon of liquid dish detergent in 2 cups of cool water in a bowl. Sponge the stain with either a clean rag or sponge to clean the couch. Repeat as needed until you've completely removed the stain from the couch.
- 3). Rinse a clean white cloth with cold water and remove the soap solution from the couch. Blot the affected area dry with a clean, dry cloth. Set the cushion on its side on a clean towel to help it dry in a timely fashion, or set it in a lawn chair and allow it to dry in the sun.