How to Prevent White Line Disease and Hoof Fungus in Horses
- 1). Keep feet dry. A wet environment is a breeding ground for bacteria and fungus. If your pastures become wet, you can stall a horse for a drying out period. In the wet season or on wet property use diaper rash cream on the bottom of your horses feet to protect them from the wet environment.
- 2). Pick out feet. Dirt isn't that harmful to a horse's foot but manure is. Keeping a horses feet picked out will significantly reduce the amount of harmful micro-organisms that can harm your horses feet and lead to white line disease.
- 3). Keep your horses feet trimmed. Barefoot with natural horse trimming methods, that implements the wild horse model are best for soundness and health.
- 4). Keep your horse on a low sugar diet. Remember forage first. Making pasture and hay the dominant part of the diet and reducing or eliminating grain can help the horse become healthier, thus strengthening its immune system leaving it less susceptible to hoof problems.