Pros & Cons of Chlorine Bleach
- The ability of bleach to kill bacteria and viruses makes this common chemical an antimicrobial. Chlorine bleach is very effective at killing bacteria and viruses and is commonly added to cleaning products as well as water treatment systems. Bleach is an affordable way to disinfect common household surfaces. Since it is sold in the liquid form, it is easier to dilute than a solid powder. For a cleaning solution, mix 3/4 cup bleach to one gallon of water. Wet the surface with the solution for two minutes, then rinse and dry.
- Chlorine bleach has been used by many people as a whitener for laundry. It is best suited when washing plain white items and can also disinfect the laundry as well. The downside to using bleach in the laundry is to not add it to color items. Adding bleach to a load of colored laundry will most likely result in discoloration of all or just some of the clothes, usually in spots. Add one cup bleach per load to disinfect clothing, for a standard load.
- Swimming pools use chlorine bleach products to keep the water safe for everyone to enjoy. When the chemical is used in normal pool maintenance, bacteria and mold production are greatly reduced. Most pool kits have simple instructions and monitoring kits to help consumers use the products safely. The unpleasant effect of chlorine is that it typically burns the eyes for swimmers and there is a lag time when it is unsafe for anyone to be in the water. It is better to use the chlorine solution a few hours prior to use so that it comes to a safe level before enjoying.
- Use protective gloves when handling chlorine bleach as well as eye protection when there is a risk of splashing. Pour the chemical into a smaller container when you are using it to minimize spills and chance of children or pets drinking it. Do not drink any bleach solution. Keep the use of bleach to the minimum concentration for the use. Label all containers that are being used for storage of dilute bleach solutions. Do not mix ammonia based products with chlorine bleach as this produces a toxic gas.
Antimicrobial Pesticide
Laundry Room
Pool Maintenance
General Safety