How to Clean an Oil Spill on the Wooden Floor of a Shed
- 1). Open the shed doors and windows to ventilate the area as you clean.
- 2). Cover the oil spill completely with cat litter, sawdust or, if it is a small spill, corn starch. Leave this on the spill overnight.
- 3). Shovel up the litter, sawdust or corn starch the following day, using a plastic or rubber-bladed shovel. Plastic and rubber are less likely to gouge the floor than metal.
- 4). Place the soiled material into trash bags. Use a push broom to sweep up whatever you were unable to easily get up with the shovel and dispose of this in the bags as well. Treat this as combustible waste--place these bags outdoors, as suggested by the Wisconsin Department of Health Services, to prevent a fire.
- 5). Reapply fresh cat litter, sawdust or corn starch if a lot of oil remains, leaving it until the next day. Otherwise, you are ready to start the damp-cleaning.
- 6). Wet a sponge in hot water. Place a teaspoon of dish detergent on the sponge. Dish detergent helps dissolve grease and oil on dishes and will help with oil on the floor, too.
- 7). Scrub the stain with the sponge. Follow this with another sponge saturated only with clean, warm water. Allow the wood floor to air-dry.