How to Get Paint Off Wood Trim
- 1). Place a strip of painter's tape across the edge of the wall directly above the wood trim to prevent any paint stripper chemicals from getting on the wall.
- 2). Place a plastic drop cloth on the floor directly in front of the wood trim to keep from getting chemicals and paint chips on the wood surface.
- 3). Place paint stripper gel onto the wood surface with a paintbrush or sponge applicator. The length of time needed between applying the gel and removing it depends on the brand used; follow the manufacturer's instructions.
- 4). Scrape the wood off with a paint scraper. If the wood trim has grooves in it, use a wire brush to scrape the paint off. Wear gloves to protect your hands from the chemicals.
- 5). Wipe the wood surface clean with a rag wet with mineral spirits to remove any stripper left on the wood surface.