Natural Remedies to Get Kool-Aid Stains Out of Carpets
- Kool-Aid stains cause frustration as they stand out.stain - splat image by from
Carpet stains are not only unsightly, but can also be hard to remove without using damaging chemicals. Sustainable living and environmentally-friendly options are available for carpet cleaning that can be made with common household items.
The toughest stain known to parents everywhere is the dreaded red Kool-Aid stain.
To avoid having the stain set in, remove as much of the liquid as possible as soon as the spill happens. Blot the stain instead of rubbing or scrubbing to avoid pushing the stain further down in to the carpet fibers. Once you have blotted up as much of the stain as possible, start trying to remove the remaining stain with a homemade cleaning solution. - The heat from the iron helps lift the stain to the wet cloth.iron image by Robert Grzywaczewski from
Take a pure white cloth and soak it in warm water. Place the wet cloth directly over the stain and apply heat with a standard iron on a low setting directly on top of the cloth; being careful not to touch any area not covered by the wet cloth. Apply pressure for 10 to 30 seconds and remove the iron and the cloth. Repeat as necessary. Because heat can react with both carpet fibers and the sugar in the Kool-Aid, blot up as much of the stain as possible prior to using this stain removal method. Testing a small area first is also recommended. - Mix two parts white vinegar with two parts cold water. Test a small area first to ensure the mixture will not harm the carpet. Spray the stain thoroughly with the vinegar mixture and allow it to soak in to the stain for a few minutes. Using clean cloths or white paper towels, blot the vinegar soaked stain until no more red coloring comes out.
- Pour white vinegar on to the stain until it is soaked. Sprinkle baking soda on top of the vinegar. This will cause the mixture to bubble up and foam which is OK. Let the mixture sit on the stain for about five minutes. Blot up all of the mixture with clean towels. Rinse with plain, cool water and blot thoroughly again.
- A little effort can get stains out and make carpets look new again.woolen carpet texture image by Tolbxela from
Pour plain club soda on the stain and let soak five to 10 minutes. Blot the stain repeatedly with clean, white towels or cloths until no more of the stain comes out. Repeat as necessary or until the towels draw no more color out from the stain. - Mix together 1 part hydrogen peroxide to 1 part water and pour the mixture lightly over the stain. Blot the stain with white, clean towels. Repeat the process until no more of the stain comes out. This remedy must be tested in a small, inconspicuous area first as the peroxide mixture can remove color beyond the stain. This remedy is best suited for very light colored carpets.
Water and Heat
Baking Soda and Vinegar
Club Soda
Hydrogen Peroxide