Stone & Pebble Flooring Design
- Pebble flooring is an environmentally conscious design option.pebble image by Ramon Pantalon from
Stone and pebble floors are environmentally friendly choices that appeal to "green," or environmentally conscious, consumers who want stylish, durable flooring options that can withstand heavy traffic. Stone flooring is easy to install and maintain, requiring little in terms of maintenance. Stone and pebble floors are available in a wide variety of styles and colors. - Stone is a choice design option for bathrooms and walkways.Toilet and Bathroom fixtures image by Gopaal Dhussa from
Stone flooring can be used almost anywhere in the home, but is most popular for bathroom designs that are inspired by nature and the natural elements. Stone and pebble can also be incorporated into entryways and fireplaces within the home. Kitchen designers who opt to use pebble flooring may also accent it with matching kitchen back splashes. - Stone floors are not difficult to maintain and can be quite eye-catching.stone texture floor image by Daria Miroshnikova from
Stone flooring is purchased in tiles ranging $9 to $11 each as of September 2010. Stone flooring is installed over thinset adhesive applied with a trowel. Once set, the tiles are sealed, sanded and then set with grout, which provides a strong reinforcement to the look and keeps the tiles in place. The floors usually don't require special care.
Features & Benefits
Rooms for Stone and Pebble Floor Use
Installation, Maintenance & Costs