Easy Ways to Clean the Base of a Steam Iron
- Should the steam vents on the base of your iron become clogged with mineral deposits, clean out the water reservoir using a solution of white vinegar and water. Mix 1/3 cup of white vinegar with 1/3 cup of water and pour it into the reservoir. Heat the iron and let it steam for three minutes. Unplug the iron and place the baseplate on a small glass dish placed on a larger shallow pan. Drain for an hour and flush the reservoir with clear water in preparation for its next use.
- For particularly sticky or stubborn clogs, remove residue from the vents with a cotton swab or pipe cleaner. Avoid sharp tools that could easily scratch the baseplate and cause further problems. Use a cloth dipped in baking soda on a slightly warmed baseplate to remove sticky starch. Rinse well and allow the base to dry. Vinegar poured on a clean cloth is effective for many stains. Combine vinegar with a little baking soda for additional cleaning strength.
- If the bottom of your iron is waxy, turn the iron to its highest setting and run the base across newspaper until the wax disappears. For oily residue, wet a clean rag with ammonia and wipe the iron's cold baseplate. Rinse off the iron with warm water to remove the oil. Treat sticky substances by running your cold iron across a piece of aluminum foil, fine sandpaper or paper sprinkled with salt. Avoid all such abrasives if your iron is plastic-coated.
- When your iron is cool to the touch, clean it with a circular motion to gently and effectively remove debris. Wax will require a hot iron for effective removal, but all other debris is best removed when the iron is off. If your iron is used daily, clean it every two months or so. An infrequently used iron should be cleaned every four months or whenever steam vents are not spraying effectively.
Cleaning From the Inside Out
Clearing Stubborn Clogs
Cleaning Waxy, Sticky or Oily Debris
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