How to Get Aquaphor Off of a Couch
- 1). Scrape off excess Aquaphor with a butter knife or plastic paint scraper. Lift the ointment off the couch instead of working it further into the upholstery.
- 2). Sprinkle a thick layer of baking soda onto the Aquaphor stain. Work the baking soda into the stain with your fingers and allow it to sit for at least eight hours or overnight. The baking soda absorbs the Aquaphor, lifting it from the upholstery’s fibers.
- 3). Wipe away the baking soda with a damp cloth. Create a sudsy mixture of 1 tablespoon of liquid laundry soap and 2 cups of cold water.
- 4). Wet a cloth with the suds only and use it to dab at the stain. Continue to blot at the Aquaphor stain until it's completely gone.
- 5). Rinse away the cleaning solution with cool water. Cover the area with a towel and press down firmly to absorb the remaining water.