How to Make Sheets Soft
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Wash your sheets on the hottest cycle.Martin Poole/Lifesize/Getty Images
Put sheets in the washer. Wash them on the hottest cycle without detergent or fabric softener. This will remove any dust, lint or particles from material. After the cycle has finished add ¼ cup less than the required amount of detergent to the washer and rewash the sheets. - 2
Add 1 cup of white vinegar to break down chemical residue.Jupiterimages/Polka Dot/Getty Images
Stop the washer when it reaches the rinse cycle. Add 1 cup of white vinegar to the water to break down chemical residue from factory machinery, packaging and shipment. Continue and then restart the cycle when it is completed, adding fabric softener or baking soda to further soften sheets. - 3
Put sheets in dryer after washed.Ryan McVay/Photodisc/Getty Images
Put sheets in the dryer on the medium/warm setting and let them fully dry. Rub sheets when finished and get a feel of their texture. If they are not as soft as you would like, repeat the process. Also, wash your sheets by themselves. This allows them to fully absorb materials and avoid being scrunched up as the washer completes its cycle. - 4
Hang sheets out to dry in the morning.Jupiterimages/liquidlibrary/Getty Images
Go green. Use Epsom salts, borax or turpentine to soften sheets in a more natural way. Add ½ cup of turpentine, 50 g of Epsom salts or 6 tbsp. of borax to the washer as it fills with cold water. Put sheets in as water fills, swirling them around to mix with the chemicals. Allow sheets to soak overnight. This will remove stains and break down tightness of threads. Hang sheets out to dry in the morning. Do not put them in the dryer; turpentine is flammable.