How to Iron Pleated Valances
- 1). Cut the process of ironing pleats in half. Put a large piece of aluminum foil under the ironing board cover. The foil will reflect the heat to give the effect of ironing from both sides at once. Turn on the iron. Set the iron to the appropriate fabric setting. Fill the iron's spray reservoir, or use a spray bottle with water. Use a full-sized ironing board.
- 2). Fold and arrange the pleats on the valance. Measure both the top and bottom of the valance to assure they hang straight. Attach a spring-loaded clothespin or paper clip to each fold to hold it in place. Be careful that the paper clips do not snag the fabric, especially if it has a loose weave. For stubborn pleats, it may be necessary to pin the pleats in place depending on the fabric. Never iron over paper clips or pins because it will leave a mark.
- 3). Soak and wring out a pressing cloth. Turn the iron to its highest setting. Place a damp press cloth over each pleat, and press with firm pressure until the cloth is almost dry. Remove one paper clip at a time, and iron the pleat it held. Replace the paper clip. Move on to the next pleat to let it dry. Place the iron on the top of a pleat and press. Pick up the iron off the fabric, setting it farther down the pleat. Do not drag the iron across the pleats. This can cause pleats to pucker and shift.
- 4). Iron the pleats flat. After ironing about three to four pleats, spray starch and iron over them again. The starch will make the valance look professional. Quick spray starch recipe: Add 1 tbsp. cornstarch to 2 cups water, slowly. Pour the mix into a clean spray bottle, and stir until dissolved. Spray fabric lightly when ironing.