How to Remove Musty & Mildew Odors
- 1). Open doors and windows to let fresh air fill the room. Turn on fans -- ceiling, window and/or standing -- to circulate stale air.
- 2). Wash items such as clothing, bedding and draperies in cool water with 1/4 cup laundry detergent and 1 cup white vinegar. White vinegar removes odors while killing any remaining fungus.
- 3). Sprinkle baking soda on carpets and rugs and let sit for several hours. If possible, let the baking soda sit overnight. Remove the baking soda from the carpets and rugs with your vacuum. Like white vinegar, baking soda is an all-natural deodorizer that removes tough odors.
- 4). Pour undiluted white vinegar into a spray bottle. Mist upholstery and other fabrics that you cannot launder with the vinegar. Let the vinegar air dry on the fabric. Repeat the process as needed.
- 5). Wipe musty smelling walls with a cloth dampened with white vinegar. Let the walls dry. As the vinegar dries, its pungent odor dissipates and takes the musty smell with it.
- 1). Use a dehumidifier with a high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filter in your home. Dehumidifiers remove moisture from the air, helping to prevent the growth of mildew.
- 2). Avoid letting clothing stay damp. Once a garment has become wet, line dry or launder it immediately. Damp clothing provides the perfect breeding ground for mildew and its odor.
- 3). Keep washing machine lid open when not in use to prevent mildew from growing inside the washer.
- 4). Wipe bathtubs and showers dry with a towel after each use. Furthermore, stretch the shower curtain out to let the creases in the curtain dry.
Remove Odors
Prevent Odors