How to Freeze Fresh Beets
- 1). Remove the beet greens from the root bulb. You can set them aside to prepare later or you can dispose of them whatever your desire. Rinse them under the sink to remove any excess dirt and soil.
- 2). In a large kettle fill half full of water and place it on the stove allow to boil.
- 3). Place the bulbs into the hot water. Be careful not to burn yourself from splash up.
- 4). Let the beets boil in the water for 15 minuets additional time may be necessary if the beets are larger. At this point the beets will get a very vibrant color
- 5). Fill your sink with cold water
- 6). With a draining spoon pull the beets from the hot water and put them into the cold water. Just take one out to start with. Place beet in the cold water, and test the skin. The beets are done if the skin slides right off the beet. If this happens remove the rest of the beets and add them to the cold water. If not allow to boil for an additional five minuets.
- 7). Once you have removed the skins from all of the beets. Slice or dice the beets to your desired fashion and lay them on a single layer n a cookie sheet and place the cookie sheet into the freezer.
- 8). Remove pan from freezer after about 30 minuets to an hour. And put frozen beets pieces into a plastic freezer bag or freezer container. And enjoy the taste of fresh beets all winter long.