Johnson & Johnson Uses for Wax Products
- The Johnson & Johnson Company has long been synonymous with wax products. The company was started in 1882 by Samuel Curtis Johnson, who was originally a flooring salesman and was frequently asked by his customers how to care for their parquet floors. Shellac was used to clean these floors but it wasn't all that effective because it built up and peeled off. Johnson was determined to come up with a better and more efficient product. He invented Johnson's Prepared Wax, an idea he swiped from the European approach to caring for wooden floors, notes
- Eventually Glo-Coat Floor Finish was invented. It did not contain resins that turned floors yellow, which can occur when using wax on floors. This product became one of the best selling floor care products in the mid-20th century.
- Paste wax is another SC Johnson invention. It provides protection and long lasting beauty when used on your furniture. It works on a variety of surfaces including wood, leather, vinyl, plastic, cork and metal. Paste wax is a blend of hard finish waxes that includes carnauba, which is what gives surfaces their luster after the wax is applied. This wax is ideal for damaged or worn wood and antique furniture but is not recommended for laminate flooring, painted floors or furniture.
- SC Johnson's One Step No Buff Wax, which is also called the Original Klear Wood Floor Wax, is perfect for wood floors because it results in a rich, luxurious satiny finish.
- If you have ever cleaned a house, including dusting, you are probably familiar with Pledge Protection Plus, which can be used on granite, wood, cabinets, blinds, Formica, ceiling fan blades and even on appliances such as TV or stereo, notes
- A wax called Grand Prix can be used on your vehicle to keep it shining.
Glo-Coat Floor Finish
Paste Wax
One Step No Buff Wax
Pledge Protection Plus
Grand Prix