DIY Mold Treatment
- Before you try to rid the area of the mold, you should first figure out what is causing the mold to grow in your home. Molds form after exposure to moisture and dampened areas. Extreme occurrences like floods can create a huge problem with mold in your home, while more commonplace sources like steam from a shower create small amounts of mold that are simpler to treat. Check for leaks in the plumbing system of your house, or in your roof. Try to keep the walls, windows and carpeting in your home consistently dry. If you dry clothes on a clothing line inside your house, keep the floors below the clothes dry. Stop the mold at its source to prevent any mold from sprouting up after you have removed the growths later on.
- Collect the supplies you will need to clean the moldy area. You should have rubber gloves and possibly a face mask if there is a large amount of mold. You will want to find a cleaning agent to first remove the mold; any non-ammonia soap or detergent will do the trick. A firm cleaning brush with thick bristles will be handy in scrubbing the mold away. To disinfect the area, you can use a solution of bleach mixed with water.
- First you should clean the area using soap, hot water and a bristle brush, scrubbing the area vigorously to remove the mold. You will want to throw away any rotten wood, rags, paper towels and wallboard once you get done cleaning the area. You can keep any types of metal, plastic or glass as long as you disinfect them first. If your home's carpeting has a large amount of mold attached to it, you should consider disposing of it. Also, if the mold cannot be removed from Sheetrock, tiles or any type of wood, you should remove it. After the cleaning process, let the area dry for two to three days before you begin the disinfection process. Use a bleach solution of 10 percent bleach and 90 percent water to spray or rinse the once-moldy area. Be sure to keep the house well-ventilated by opening any windows while you disinfect the area. Let the area dry overnight to allow for the bleach to kill any remaining mold spores.
Find the Source of the Mold
Collecting Supplies
Cleaning and Disinfecting