How to Clean Small Areas of Black Mold in a Basement
- 1). Open any windows and doors leading into and out of the basement. Put on a pair of rubber gloves and a nose mask to protect yourself from breathing in and touching the black mold.
- 2). Place a trash bag under the small area where the black mold is present.
- 3). Scrub off as much loose black mold as possible from the area with a stiff brush. Let the black mold fall onto the trash bag.
- 4). Roll up the trash bag containing the black mold, and dispose of it inside another trash bag. Immediately take the trash bag outside to a waste container.
- 5). Mix 2 tbsp. dishwashing soap and 6 tbsp. warm water in a bowl or container.
- 6). Apply the diluted soap mixture to the small area of black mold with a scrub brush, and scrub vigorously to remove any remaining traces of mold.
- 7). Mix 2 tbsp. chlorine bleach and 5 tbsp. warm water in a bowl or container.
- 8). Saturate a sponge with the bleach solution, then wring it out.
- 9). Wipe the small area where the black mold was present with the bleach-soaked sponge.
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Pat the area dry with a clean rag or towel. If you have a box fan, aim it at the damp area.