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Rheumatoid Arthritis : Health & Medical
Vitamin C May Help Prevent Gout
Boosting vitamin C intake may help prevent gout, a new study shows.
Managing Joint Pain
Individuals suffering from joint pain need to look to other resources beside conventional medicine.For example, there are some natural remedies that can rebuild your joints, as well as prevent excess wear.Even if you are only starting to notice joint stiffness or pain on occasion, you can use these
What Is Arthritis And What Is The Best Medication For The Pain?
Find out how easy it is to fight arthritis and joint pain.All you need to do is learn where to purchase medication from online pharmaceutical companies.Learn which products will make your pain go away.
What is the Treatment for Arthritis Due to Colitis?
Colitis, or ulcerative colitis, is a chronic inflammatory disease affecting the inner lining of the colon and rectum. In its worst form, it can be debilitating or life-threatening. Ten to 25 percent of colitis sufferers experience symptoms of arthritis, which is inflammation of the joints, directly
ACPA-Negative and ACPA-Positive RA Share Susceptibility Loci
This study shows that ACPA-negative RA may share a common genetic background with ACPA-positive RA.
Arthritis Diet - Don't Suffer Needlessly
In the past, nutrition has long been dismissed as unimportant with regards to an arthritis preventative measure. However, due to more progressive research into the theory, the 'arthritis diet' is receiving much more interest.
Joint Pain
Find WebMD's comprehensive coverage of joint pain, including medical reference, news, pictures, videos, and more.
Explaining Arthritis to Your Children
Arthritis is complicated. Many adults don't understand all aspects of arthritis -- so getting your children to understand fatigue and physical limitations will be a challenge. Keeping the explanation simple -- in terms they can relate to -- will help children understand arthritis.
Periodontal Disease and Rheumatoid Arthritis
Is there an association between periodontal disease and rheumatoid arthritis?
Unusual Symptoms of Rheumatoid Arthritis
Rheumatoid arthritis is a bone and joint disease that causes inflammation of the synovial membrane. This membrane protects and lubricates the joints. The result is pain, joint swelling, and eventual loss of mobility in certain joint areas. Rheumatoid arthritis can also affect other areas of the body
What Causes Your Joint to Feel Warm or Hot?
Warning signs of arthritis include joint pain, swelling, redness, and warmth. What does it mean when you have a warm or hot joint?
Hip and Knee Replacements on the Rise
The number of hip and knee replacements performed in the U.S. could skyrocket in the next seven years, researchers warn, placing an enormous burden on America's already beleaguered health care system.
Oxygen Chamber Therapy May Ease Fibromyalgia, Study Suggests
But treatment isn't FDA-approved, so insurance companies might not cover the cost
How to Use Water Exercises for Arthritis Discomfort
Find out how to do simple and effective warm water exercises to alleviate inflammation and pain from arthritis. Pool exercises are easy on the joints and provide a total body workout. Exercising in the water is also a lot of fun, too!
Arthritis and Joint Pain - Food Can Be Your Best Medicine or Worst Enemy!
Arthritis often brings along many other illness not just joint pain, swelling and discomfort. The body slows down as arthritis takes hold, joints become swollen and painful at the same time, and movements are becoming more difficult. There for less exercise means weight gain, and the downward health
Carol Eustice, Arthritis Expert
Carol,'s Arthritis Expert, was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis in the prime of life, at age 19. Carol's late husband Rick, who was her co-expert on and partner in every way, also had rheumatoid arthritis.
Alternative Arthritis Pain Relief Methods
The sad part about arthritis is that, for now, there is no cure.You can find various methods of dealing with the pain, but it will return.That's why some of these alternative pain relief methods, even if temporary, can be such a great help.
Uric Acid in Heart Disease: A New C-reactive Protein?
What is the relationship between hyperuricemia and cardiovascular disease? This article offers some theories.
Tennis Legend Fights Against Osteoarthritis
Tennis legend Billie Jean King has recently launched a new ad campaign in the fight against osteoarthritis. The campaign was put together by the Arthritis Foundation, the Ad Council, and the United States Tennis Association in an effort to educate osteoarthritis sufferers of the benefits of regular
Prevalence of Fibromyalgia in Vasovagal Syncope
How frequent is fibromyalgia in women with vasovagal syncope?