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Rheumatoid Arthritis : Health & Medical
Aiming for Remission in Psoriatic Arthritis
How should remission be defined in psoriatic arthritis?
Creating a Proper Diet to Cure Gout
Gout is also called crystal-induces arthritis and it is a condition when uric acid crystals accumulate in the joints. Gout usually affects large joints such as knee, ankle, foot, hand wrist and elbow and in many rare cases it also affects area like shoulder, hip or spin. There is no medical cure and
Combo Therapy Slashes Heart Risk in RA
Combination therapy including TNF-inhibitors along with an older drug known as methotrexate (MTX) can slash the risk of heart attack in people with rheumatoid arthritis (RA).
About Psoriatic Arthritis
Psoriatic arthritis is a form of inflammatory arthritis that affects people who have psoriasis. It is fairly uncommon, affecting around 10 percent of psoriasis patients. Psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis are autoimmune disorders; they are a result of the body attacking its own cells. Neither conditi
Widening Death Gap Haunts RA Patients
Rheumatoid arthritis cuts years off patients' lives -- and despite treatment advances, patients die at the same rate they did 50 years ago.
Rheumatic Manifestations of Endocrine Diseases
Musculoskeletal complaints associated with endocrine disorders are common and have been well described. This review re-examines these associations in light of newer information on biology and genetics.
The Signs of HBV
The hepatitis B virus (HBV), more than 100 times more infectious than HIV, each year accounts for the deaths of nearly 1.2 million people worldwide from hepatitis-related illnesses. HBV damages liver cells and leads to cirrhosis and an increased incidence of liver cancer. Signs and symptoms of HBV u
Relief for Arthritic Pain
Arthritis causes inflammation of the joints, which leads to stiffness and pain. Most people are able to control arthritis pain effectively through lifestyle changes and medication. Some arthritis patients require surgery or alternative methods to relieve arthritis symptoms. Talk to your doctor about
Caffeine May Trigger Gout Attacks
An extra jolt or two of caffeine may potentially trigger a gout attack among people with the painful and often disabling arthritic condition, preliminary research suggests.
Sleep Drug May Treat Fibromyalgia Pain
The powerful sleeping medication Xyrem can help to relieve the hallmark symptom of pain in people with fibromyalgia, suggests a study that pitted the drug against a placebo.
Chinese Herbs For Relieving Rheumatoid Arthritis Pain
If you suffer from rheumatoid arthritis pain, Chinese herbs are an effective pain reliever. This remedy is particularly beneficial for those patients taking COX-2 inhibitor drugs like Vioxx and Bextra because they can add the use of Chinese herbs into their pain management programs.
What to Avoid in Gout
Many people, in spite of suffering from gout, eat a lot of food that they should not be eating. Eating just about everything and anything can worsen the problems of gout. Foods that cause gout are generally rich in purine and can make the cure tougher. Not following your doctors' advice and the
Muscle Relaxant May Ease Fibromyalgia Pain
Low doses of the muscle relaxant cyclobenzaprine, taken at bedtime, helped those with the painful condition fibromyalgia sleep better and feel less pain, according to a small study.
Association of Regional and Cultural Factors With RA
What individual and regional factors are associated with variations in the prevalence of RA in the Mexican population?
Arthritis Symptoms, Treatment Advice
Everyday, thousands of people the world over are living with arthritis. This painful condition, most people believe affects mainly seniors, but that is not the case. There is a type of arthritis, referred to as Juvenile arthritis, that affects people in their teens as well, but these cases are rare.
Arthritis Foods - How Can They Help You to Reduce and Manage Arthritic Pain?
Do you know what foods can cause arthritis? In this article on Arthritis Foods, you will discover which diet can help you to cope with arthritic pain.
Natural Anti-Inflammatory Supplements - Another Unusual Benefit of Fish Oil
Many years ago I was dating a woman whose mother suffered from a severe form of arthritis that kept her in a fairly constant state of pain. Watching her live her life with daily struggles associated with that level of joint pain lead me to do some research. That's when I discovered yet another
Green Tea Helps Rheumatoid Arthritis Sufferers
Green tea has the most health benefits of all the teas. One of the ways it is helpful for those with rheumatoid arthritis is how it acts as an anti-inflammatory.
Does Omega-3 Benefit Arthritis Aches?
More and more people are taking omega-3 supplements for their arthritis. Studies are now showing that omega-3 and arthritis alleviation go hand in hand. But why?