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Bankruptcy & consumer credit : Law & Legal & Attorney

The Types of Engineering Contracts

There is a variety of engineering contracts available.signing a contract image by William Berry from Fotolia.comThere are several types of engineering contracts available for engineers. While some focus on the unit price of a project, others focus on lump sum or incentive earnings. There...

Tips to Hire a Competent Bankruptcy Attorney

How do I know I am working with a competent bankruptcy attorney? Read below discover the best tips to use when reviewing the qualifications of a bankruptcy attorney.

How Do Bankruptcy Trustees Find Out Where You Own Land?

If a debtor files for bankruptcy protection and has valuable assets that he would like to keep, such as a house, land, expensive cars and jewelry, then he should file for Chapter 13 bankruptcy. In a Chapter 13 case, a debtor may keep those assets so long as he pays for them over time. If a debtor fi

Credit Counseling Before Filing Bankruptcy

Before filing for bankruptcy, it is important to get counseling for your credit to make sure that your rating isn't too badly affected by filing for bankruptcy. In fact, changes to bankruptcy

What Is a Statement of Incorporation?

Any new business or organization must go through all the proper channels to establish the entity before doing any business. A statement of incorporation, also known as articles of incorporation, is a required legal document a business or organization must file to register within a state. Although th

Reasons for a Letter of Intent

A letter of intent defines the terms to a forthcoming agreement.Ryan McVay/Photodisc/Getty ImagesA letter of intent, also known as an LOI, is a short letter outlining a potential agreement between two parties. This letter commonly states the initial terms of an agreement, and it is...

Insolvency Verses Bankruptcy

Many people confuse the terms "bankruptcy" and "insolvency". A person files for bankruptcy when they are insolvent. A person that is insolvent does not necessarily have to file for bankruptcy. The delicate balance between insolvency and bankruptcy can be difficult to understand.

What Are Certificated Bailiffs and What Do They Do?

If your poor finances become so bad that a bailiff starts to knock at your door in order to take your goods, you could be in for a very stressful experience. However, if you understand the law and you

Exceptions to Discharged Consumer Debt in Texas

Certain debts may not be discharged.debt defined image by Christopher Walker from Fotolia.comTo know what types of consumer debt that may be discharged in a bankruptcy filing in Texas, we need to first identify consumer debt. According to the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Northern...

How to Find Out the Case Number of an Adoption Proceeding

Even in cases where the birth parents are completely willing and cooperative, the red tape involved in adopting a child can make the process agonizing. From hiring a lawyer to filing out paperwork and even, sometimes, appearing in court, successful adoption requires sound legal maneuvering. As is tr

How to Change a Member on a LLC in WI

An LLC (Limited Liability Company) is an entity that allows business owners to suffer limited liability for the business debts or obligations such as lawsuits. The business profits and losses are shared with the owners, as in a normal business partnership. An LLC is created by filing a document with

How to Invest in an LLC

A limited liability company, or LLC, is established by filing articles of organization with the secretary of state's office. The owners of an LLC commonly are referred to as members. State laws and provisions in the articles of organization determine the process of investing in an LLC. Although proc

How to Do a Chapter 13 Dismissal

When filing Chapter 13 bankruptcy, you agree to pay the debt owed over a set time period, generally two years to five years as stated by the U.S. Bankruptcy Code. The code also controls the amount of the payments required in the Chapter 13. In some instances, depending on your situation, dismissing

How to Open a Panama Corporation

If you establish a corporation under the laws of a U.S. state, the IRS will tax the corporation on its worldwide income unless it qualifies for "S corporation" status (domestic international sales corporations do not qualify). If you establish a corporation under Panamanian law, Panama will tax only

Facts About Chapter 13 Bankruptcy

Chapter 13 bankruptcy is the process of reorganizing debts that have been acquired by an individual. It allows the debtor to receive assistance through the court with creating a repayment plan to creditors over a period of time. Debtors must have enough disposable income available to them to be able

Involuntary Bankruptcy Laws

Learn the rules for involuntary bankruptcybankruptcy 2 image by Sorin Alb from Fotolia.comBankruptcy is the legal admission that the business cannot pay back its debts and must be put through court in order for the creditors to collect money they are owed. Most businesses try to avoid...

How to Convert Chapter 11 Bankruptcy to Chapter 7

The U.S. Bankruptcy Code provides two primary types of bankruptcy procedures for businesses. Through a Chapter 11 bankruptcy, a business continues operating. The business attempts to reorganize its operations and restructure its debts in a Chapter 11 case. A business can also seek a Chapter 7 bankru