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Performing Arts : Society & Culture & Entertainment
How to Start a Modeling Agency
Starting a modeling agency is not an easy task. Like any other types of business, this may require a lot of effort and hard work. This business, though, may be an exciting and fun venture.
How to Determine the Size of a Snowboard
This article takes a look at all of the factors that will help to determine what size snowboard will work best for you.
Tips For Putting on a Theatre Production
If you love theatres, and you decide that you want to produce a play, the following tips will definitely ease some of the production pains. First, choose the type of play you want its format. You can choose a family drama, a musical, or any type you like. Should you wish to enact another author&apos
How to Use Boxes to Make Stage Scenery
Polish director Jerzy Grotowski is credited with challenging 20th Century notions of spectacle, and creating a new form of theatre that diminished the importance of expensive and elaborate production values. This hybrid, know as "poor theatre," is a minimalist approach to creating theatre on a shoe-
Career and Influences
Costume designer Holly Poe Durbin on her designs for the The Shakespeare Center's 25th-Anniversary landmark -- an all-star production of 'Much Ado About Nothing'
My First Acting Gig
The Laughing Bum was my breakthrough acting gig. I haven't yet landed an agent nor have I made one cent as a performer. You may say that I haven't done much of anything, but that's not totally true.
Comedy Plays a Vital Role in Rejuvenating Our Spirits!
The article provides useful tips to all upcoming artists who want to excel as comedians, and it enlightens the importance of first auditions in that context. Most of times we feel that life is getting meaningless and fruitless. All our efforts, to get rejuvenated go in vain, and we stand at the same
The Silver Palm Awards
A comprehensive listing of local, regional and national theatre and performing arts awards, along with links to information, forms, applications, rules, and more.
Acting Exercise - Tips For Breath Control
You will improve the technique of your acting by acquiring vocal vitality and control. This can be done by practicing an acting exercise on proper, natural breathing.
Cellist Stephen Isserlis Seeks Joy and Beauty in Music
Cellist Stephen Isserlis is master of a repertoire filled with beauty, joy and mystery. He approaches each new work with zeal and adventure, always seeking its inner qualities. The soloist with major symphonies is equally happy performing with chamber ensembles. His talents extend to writing serious
Singing Courses - Which Ones Have the X Factor?
With the costs of conventional singing lessons going through the roof, coupled with the economic downturn we are in currently, more and more vocalists are turning away from live coaching, and going the route of using online singing coach software. But, is that a good idea?
Becoming a Professional Dancer
Want to become a professional dancer and turn your passion into your job? Find out how you can do it too.
Marketing Yourself As an Actor
As a newcomer or even as an advanced actor who has some film and TV credits, you probably don't have the budget to hire a publicity firm to do your marketing. A good publicity firm can run anywhere from $1,500 and up a month. Therefore it is important to know the marketing tools available to yo
Seattle Rep’s Writers Group Accepting Applications for 2014-16 Cycle
Applications for Seattle Rep’s 2014–2016 Writers Group class are now open through July 15, 2014.
How to Play the Improv Game, "Typewriter"
Improvisation is the art of creating characters, dialogue and scenes on the spot. It is performed in comedy clubs and theaters, as well as used in classroom settings for a variety of lessons, and played at parties just for fun. The game "Typewriter" is best played by actors with some experience, bu
Talent Search in North America
A theory called multilateral development encourages youngsters to take part in a number of sports during their childhood and the juvenile period before making it their career. The main reason for initiating this theory is so that children who seem to be gifted in a particular sport get the opportuni