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Gay Lesbian & Bisexual & Transgender : Family & Relationships
Check Out This Giant List of Famous Lesbians and Bisexual Women
This is list of famous lesbian and bisexual women from history and the present day.
What's it Like to Be an FTM Transgender Teen?
I had the chance to ask Casey, a 17-year-old FTM transgender teen some questions about his life.
Lesbians Talk Back
One of the best things about being part of an interactive community is the ability to voice your opinion or give feedback. Here are the most commented on Lesbian Life Blog posts. Did you get your say in?
Recap of The L Word, Episode 8, Page 2
Here's a recap of TV's hottest lesbian drama: The L Word. Season Two, episode Eight.
Lesbians and Sports
The National Center for Lesbian Rights has accused Penn State Coach Rene Portland of discriminating against lesbians on the team.
One Thing You Didn't Know About Cannabis and Sex
Is cannabis use safe when used during gay sex? Even though marijuana use during sex can increase pleasure there are a few dangers you should know about before you light up.
Top 10 Things Lesbians Should Talk to Their Doctor About
The Gay and Lesbian Medical Association (GLMA) has recommened that lesbians discuss these issues with their doctors.
Do Us Queers Need a Family?
Do we still need a clan, a support-group or a family in our generation or even worse in our LGBT community? My answer is yes without a doubt; maybe even more than ever.
Famously Gay
History is filled with iconic figures that have shaped world culture, some for good and others with a not so pristine legacy. Dozens of biographies, historical texts and discourse have been written about their lives, work and motivations. This research often spreads into their personal lives and in
Idaho Gay Bars
Due to its relative small nature in size, many that aren't too familiar with Idaho may be curious about the visibility and size of the gay community in Idaho. In fact, the gay presence here is much stronger than people would imagine.There is probably no other state in the United States that has
Hate Crimes Motivated By Sexual Orientation Bias
The FBI reports the number of hate crimes committed based on sexual orientation bias.
Lesbian Couple First to Marry in the United States
The first same-sex couple married in San Francisco on February 12, 2004. Del Martin and Phyllis Lyon were partners for more than 50 years before getting the chance to tie the knot.
How Do I Have Sex With an FTM Partner?
A teen is concerned about having sex with her FTM partner for the first time and asks for advice.