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Gay Lesbian & Bisexual & Transgender : Family & Relationships

Protesters Oppose Gay Marriage

Protesters demonstrate against same-sex marriage outside the Superior Court marriage bureau on the first day of legal same-sex marriage in the District of Columbia.

How To Turn a Straight Guy Gay

If only we could simply close our eyes and will gayness upon any person that suits our fancy... Better yet, we could make them gay and then force them to like

Best Summer Dates for Lesbians

Summer is a great time to get outdoor and enjoy a special date with your lesbian love interest. Here are some great ideas for dates in the summer for lesbians and bisexual women.

Boston Lesbians

Pics of cute lesbians at the Wolfe Party in Boston at the Final 4


There are benefits to raw gay sex, also known as barebacking, but do they outweigh the dangers? Here's what you need to know before you have raw gay sex.

Women on a Roll: Dinah Shore Weekend

Dinah Shore Weekend in Palm Springs, CA is THE lesbian party spot. But with so many parties to choose from, how do you know which one is right for you? Lesbian Life has your guide to Dinah Shore weekend 2006. If you want to party with a more intimate group of lesibans, Women on a Roll is your place!

Am I the Only Gay Conservative Christian?

While much of the GLBT community subscribes to liberal views, there are plenty who don't. One gay conservative Christian teen, wonders if any other gay teens share his views.

Safe Sex for Lesbian Teens

A mom has lots of questions about lesbian safe sex now that her 14-year-old daughter has come out of the closet and has a girlfriend. What does a mom need to know about lesbian safe sex for her teen daughter?


Here is the definition of Bulldyke.

9 Tips for LGBT Teens on Getting Over a Crush

Having a crush can be amazing and exciting and a lot of teens love the feeling of being deep in like. But when a crush is never going to turn in into something more, those feelings can move from awesome to awful pretty quick. In that case, you might just want to get over your crush as fast as you ca

Ireland Votes 'Yes' On Marriage Equality

The 22nd of May 2015 is an historical date! We will forever remember as Ireland became the first country in the world to legalise same-sex marriage by a popular vote. Last Friday's referendum gave the ‘Yes’ a big win in a country that was once dominated by the Catholic Church.

Gay Lifestyles - Prospering and Unrepentent

Gay lifestyles are booming. A combination of support from the society and change in peoples attitudes about how they want to display their relationships among heterosexuals has led to a proliferation in gay and lesbian lifestyles. Is this good for the society? Of course it is. Read why.

Gay Breakups: When the Rainbow Ends

This article will explore the grieving process as it applies to gay relationship breakups and will offer coping tips for managing this often difficult transition period.


A transsexual is a person who identifies as a member of the opposite gender. People who are transsexual often want to surgically or hormonally alter their bodies to match their identity.

My Gay Children - A Parent's Perspective In The Real World

Finding out you have gay children is for most of us unsuspecting parents a life changing experience.How much it changes our life depends on many factors.Iknow personally how it does change your life as I do have gay children.