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Gay Lesbian & Bisexual & Transgender : Family & Relationships
How Can I Find a Gay Community Center?
Gay community centers are places to connect with the GLBT community and meet other gay teens.
A Married Lesbian's Coming Out Story
After Christina came out as a lesbian to her husband, they decided to stay married for the children's sake.
Kate Kendell Interview - Page 2
Kate Kendell sat down and spoke with Lesbian Life about her life and her journey to be the director of the National Center for Lesbian Rights.
I feel Greedy for Liking a Boy and a Girl
A bisexual teen feels "greedy" for liking a boy and a girl.
Bruxelles Gay Bars
When you are in Bruxelles, take some time to explore the Saint-Jacques district, a very gay friendly area of Bruxelles that has many gay bars and a wealth of gay friendly activities. During the day, outdoor cafes are the place to be to mingle with the gay community and make new friends.
How To Find a Gay or Lesbian-Friendly Therapist
For lesbians and gay men who seek counseling, finding a gay or lesbian friendly therapist is key. Here are some suggestions on how to find a gay or lesbian friendly therapist.
Is He Straight Now Or Still Bi?
He and his friend used to mess around, but now the friend says he's straight. How can he be sure if the friend is actually straight or if he's still bi?
Gay Men in Search of a Partner: Avoiding the Pitfalls of Cash, Connections, and C-K
In my private practice in counseling and coaching gay men in West Hollywood, my clients who are single often mention a desire to find a permanent partner. This is only natural; most people (male/female/gay/straight) have an urge to find a partner/spouse to share life with, but this is by no means ev
Help! My Girlfriend Doesn’t Think She’s Gay Anymore
What would you do if one day your girlfriend came to you and told you she thought she was straight? How would you handle the news? And could she really be straight if she's been in a relationship with you for years?
Northern California Lesbian Weekend
The Russian River valley, including Guerneville is a LGBT friendly travel destination, with many recreational activities to choose from.
Transphobic Parents
Strict transphobic parents can make life as a transgender teen incredibly difficult.
Scenarios USA Sex Education Films
Scenarios USA creates sex education films written by teens and directed and produced by professionals with Hollywood credentials.
Dating For Bisexuals - Stick With What You Know?
Woody Allen once famously said that an advantage to bisexuality is that it increases your chances for a date on Saturday night. All humor aside, for some people who are attracted to both genders, dating can pose a challenge and, ultimately, issues in a relationship if there is a lack of communicatio
Find Gay Love on Line - Why Gay on Line Dating Sites May Not Be the Best Option
When looking to find gay love on line using a gay dating site might not be your best option. Learn the best resources and research regarding gay on line dating.
Gay Marriage Legal in New Mexico
Gay marriage is now legal in New Mexico as it becomes the 17th state in the US to legalize same-sex marriage.
What You Need to Know About Being Gender Non-Binary
Gender “non-binary” is both an umbrella term for anyone who does not identify only as male or female and an identity of its own. The term comes from the idea that most people see gender as "binary," or divided into two. These divisions are generally presented as: male and femal