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Gay Lesbian & Bisexual & Transgender : Family & Relationships
Anal Sex: Your Guide to Being a Good Top
Getting ready for anal sex? Learn about topping and how to be a better top.
The Trevor Project: Suicide Prevention Info & Support for GLBT Teens
The Trevor Project is an organization committed to fighting suicide among gay youth.
Jersey Gay Bars
Jersey is a beautiful island and is just off the coast of Normandy in France and is part of the Channel Islands. Jersey's gay scene is pretty small but there are a couple of places worth visiting and you will surely have a good night out with your friends here.
Isabel’s coming out story
For 16 year old Isabel, even though it is sometimes hard, she is go glad she came out as a lesbian to her classmates and friends. Here is Isabel's coming out story.
Lesbian Sex After Menopause
For lesbian women, how to keep your sexual desire active during menopause.
What is "Outing?"
Outing is telling people that someone else is gay without that person's permission.
Guam Gay Bars
Guam is part of the United States of America and is governed by US law - it is an island situated off the east coast of South America. The gay scene in Guam has recently gone under some changes; until recently there were no gay bars available but now there are three Guam gay bars and clubs available
Call Mika Whatever You Want
Singer Mika came out as gay, joining only a half dozen popular singers that have come out of the closet.
Advise About Lesbian Dating her Boss
Is it a good idea for a lesbian to date her boss? Advice for a lesbian who wants to date her boss.
Supporting Kids With Gay Parents
Does your son or daughter have a friend with gay parents? Do you know someone getting bullied for having two gay dad? Here's what you can do to help.
Cuba Gay Bars
Cuba has now established a reputation as one of the most easy going Caribbean countries to travel to for the gay traveler, and thus is home to a thriving gay community and a wide selection of Cuba gay bars.Many say even that Cuba's stance on social liberation and homosexuality is a model that s
Lesbian Relationships: Boundaries Vs Barriers
We would like to think we are stronger than we are and more emotionally stable then the next person, however that would be hard to prove. Even more so it would be difficult to believe. We all carry baggage and issues in our past that cause us to occasionally feel unsteady and shaken.
The Lesbian Parenting Book
A review of the Lesbian Parenting Book by D. Merilee Clunis, Ph.D. and G. Dorsey Green, Ph.D.