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Gay Lesbian & Bisexual & Transgender : Family & Relationships
Lesbian Summer Reading List 2012
Looking for the perfect book to take to the beach or on that long plane ride? Here are my top picks for lesbian summer reading for 2012.
Gay Community Centers: California
Find gay,lesbian and transgender community centers in California.
Britney's Marriage to Jason Alexander
Britney's marriage to Jason Alexander has done wonders for the gay rights cause.
Afraid To Be A Lesbian!
You feel you are a lesbian but you only ever attract men. Should you settle for what you can get? Will you ever find a lesbian lover? You need to know where to look.
How to Come Out to Your College Roommate
How do you come out to your college roommate as lesbian, bisexual, trans or gay.
The 10 Best Lesbian Films of 2012
2012 was a good year for lesbian films. We have releases from a favorite lesbian director, an uplifting film starring Olympia Dukakis and a few foreign movies to keep lesbian film buffs happy well into 2013.
Creating a Heart-Centered Commitment Ceremony, Part Five
This article continues the series about how to create your own commitment ceremony. Family Blessings or Community Support: After hearing your story, this is a good time to ask for support from the guests. Each family might welcome the other one and offer their support to both of you. But it also can
Three Great Places to Meet Transgender People for Dating
Are you interested in meeting someone who is transgender for a possible relationship? If so, there are three great places to find and meet transgender people for dating.
Is It Legal for Teens to Buy Sex Toys?
Toys can be healthy way for a GLBT teen to explore his or her sexuality, but as discussed in this article, there are often legal hurdles to doing so.
Are You Dating A Homosexual Man?
It's shocking to women to find out the men they fell in love with is gay when actually the signs were already there to begin with; she was in denial. I want to give insight on the subject of knowing if your man is gay or not since so many women have blinders on. First of all real gay men can&ap
How Do Gay Teens Avoid Pedophiles or Predators Online?
Gay teens often spend a lot of time chatting online. Here are tips to make sure the person you are talking to is actually another teen and not an adult pedophile.
5 Clues to Why You Are Settling When it Comes to Love
Actually, you meet so many "wrong guys" that, from here on out you will continue to do so until you start recognizing what is so off about the men you meet. Importantly, what's going on in yourself to attract men, who are not up to your standards? After all, we attract who we are.
Dogs and Cats
How are lesbians like dogs and cats? Here's a lesbian joke that answers that question.