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Gay Lesbian & Bisexual & Transgender : Family & Relationships
5 School Dance Tips for Gay Teens
Proms and school dances can be nerve wracking for GLBT teens. Here's how to handle your first school dance.
Federal Reaction to Gay Marriages
How will marriages performed in Massachusetts, Oregon, San Francisco and Canada hold up under the Defense of Marriage Law?
Long Distance Lesbian
If you and your partner are in along distance relationship, you've got some unique challenges. Here are some tips for maintaining a lesbian long distance relationship.
What is the Average Age to Come Out?
It is difficult to figure out the average age that people come out, since experiences will differ depending on where one lives.
Martina Navratilova
No one has won more tennis titles than out lesbian Martina Navratilova. She's won Wimbleton a record 20 times and has been an advocate for gay and lesbian causes.
A Brief History of the Stonewall Riots and the Gay Rights Movement
After Stonewall, a new wave of gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender rights organizations, such as the Gay Liberation Front and the Gay Activist Alliance formed to fight for gay rights.
Jessica Landström - Lesbian Soccer Player
Jessica Landström is an out lesbian soccer player from Sweden.
Why is there no straight pride?
If gays and lesbians have a pride parade, why is there no straight pride march?
Lesbian Wedding Photos and Stories
Here's our Lesbian Wedding Album: Pictures and Stories of Lesbian Weddings and Love Stories
Tips on Writing Classifieds for Bisexual Women
When writing out your classified ad in search of other women to date, be sure to always begin with an attention grabbing title which will enable your ad to stand out from the crowd. It is also important to always remain positive with regards to what you are looking for.Focus on what you value and wa
Gay Panic Defense
The gay panic defense is a legal defense used against assault or murder charges where the defendant claims they were subjected to sexual advances that caused them temporary insanity.
Dundee Gay Clubs
Dundee is the fourth largest city in Scotland and offers a great range of entertainment events and has a fabulous nightlife. Dundee gay bars and Dundee gay clubs are available all within a stone's throw of each other. You are guaranteed a great night out at these bars and clubs. Dundee has a lo
How To Start a Gay / Straight Alliance
Get concrete tools to help start a Gay / Straight Alliance at your school.
Do Women Fall in Love With Other Women?
Believe it or not a lot of people think that it's impossible for two women to really love one another in a romantic sort of way. Most of the people of my generation were raised to believe that it was either a sickness or just plain, sin.
How to Come Out of the Closet the Right Way!
I am gay, and I always have been. I personally enjoy having sex with people of my gender. It's something I am proud to talk about and happy to share to those that are sincere and honest with me.
What is a Good Lesbian Dating Website?
A good lesbian dating website will come with a diversity of features. You should meet the girl of your dreams, flirt on female chat rooms, browse through the hundreds of member profiles, read many testimonials and more. Girl to girl is a lesbian dating website that promises exactly this. This is a s
Ariel Schrag
Ariel Schrag sat down to talk with lesbian life about her graphic memoirs Awkward, Definition, Potential and Likewise.
Are Teens Too Young to Be LGBTQIA
It is definitely possible for teens to be gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgender. Some people are aware of a GLBT orientation from childhood. For others it is something that only emerges later in life.