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Gay Lesbian & Bisexual & Transgender : Family & Relationships
Circumstance - Iranian Lesbian Movie
Circumstance, a heart-breaking lesbian movie from Iran and winner of the Sundance 2011 Audience Award.
GLBT National Help Center
The GLBT National Help Center is a non-profit, tax-exempt organization that is dedicated to meeting the needs of the gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender community and those questioning their sexual orientation and gender identity.
Are Your Emotions Healthy Enough for Sex?
Is your love life caught in a storm of emotions? Emotions can blow your love life around like a lawn chair in a tornado, especially if they are left unmanaged. Without honest communication, feelings are bound to get muffled, especially If you want a connection with a partner that prefers to keep it
One Year to Six Months in Advance of Your Lesbian Weddding
Lesbian planning timeline. A countdown to the big lesbian wedding day.
Does the Michigan Womyn's Music festival now allow transsexual and trans identified women to attend the festival? For years Michigan has had a womyn-born women only policy. Some people are saying the festival changed its policy and admitted trans women. What's the real story?
You May Not Be Addicted To Sex After All
Is sex addiction really a medical condition or just an excuse used by men in a tough spot? A new book challenges the idea of hypersexual disorder. Still, not everyone is eager to let go of claim.
Should Gays Be Allowed to Marry?
Marriage is more than a piece of paper.It confers numerous benefits, such as health, disability and life insurance, pension funds and tax refunds for spouses.
Top 10 Reasons to Legalize Gay Marriage
Written by a straight man, this article highlights some of the best reasons to support legalizing gay marriage. Marriage is the key ingredient for a happiness and stability and this shouldn't be denied from gay persons. If America wants to call itself free there simply is no other option.
Restoring Trust In Gay Relationships
Broken trust in an intimate relationship can be very damaging. This article will offer some tips for those gay couples invested in repairing their partnership and getting a second chance.
Moving In Tips - How to Live With Your Gay Partner
The choice to move in together is not one to be taken lightly. Joining your life with someone else is a big step. Then again, if you and your partner feel that you are ready to go for it, then there are some things you should take into consideration.
Gay Marriage And The Opinions
Opinions run a muck on the subject as well as the avoidance of it all together. If they aren't ignoring the topic of gay marriage what are they saying about it?
Cyprus Gay Bars
Despite the fact that Cyprus has a reputation for being socially conservative, Cyprus gay bars are still around to support the gay community in Cyprus. Many of the old country folks in Cyprus do believe that homosexuality is immoral, however, ever since the Cyprus membership into the European Union,
Lesbian Coming Out Story: Kara
Here is the lesbian coming out story of Kara, who experienced discrimination from her Mormon community when she came out.
Rupert Everett
Openly gay actor Rupert Everett describes himself as "a wickedly debonair blend of Cary Grant and Joan Crawford.
I'm an FTM Teen. How Can I Get My Crush to See Me as Male?
An FTM teen wonders how to make a crush see him as male.
10 Best Lesbian Sex Scenes in Movies
These aren't necessarily the best lesbian movies, they are the best lesbian sex scenes in the movies. For many of these you might want to fast forward through the whole movie to get to the sex scenes.
A Love Story in Florida
A couple in Dania Beach Florida celebrates 70 (yes, seventy) years of wedded bliss.They're not freaks...nor are they diseased in some way.Nor are they sinners. If their love is a sin, we need more transgression like theirs. Marriage equality is a human right.