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Gay Lesbian & Bisexual & Transgender : Family & Relationships
Gay Marriage - Too Soon or Too Late?
There seemed to be an acceptance of the idea that as younger generations move into positions of power, they will be far less resistant to the idea that Gay and Lesbian people should be allowed to marry. In other words, sooner or later, the laws which allow for Gay Marriage will be passed. But when i
Why Gay Men Should Find Love and Relationship Online Instead of at the Gay Bars
The world is getting modernized every day and people are getting their rights and their voices are being listened in the world. Human rights are the most spoken thing in this civilized world. Gays and Lesbians have got their rights but in some countries, they face problems in finding their matches,
Lesbians to Follow on Twitter
Looking for some good lesbians to follow on Twitter? Here are some lesbian and bisexual women that I follow on Twitter.
15 Ways to Keep Your Love Alive
For lesbians, after the initial fire is gone, how do you keep the love and intimacy alive in your relationship?
Read This Before Coming Out to Your Parents
Here's some advice for coming out as lesbian, gay or bisexual to your parents.
Interview with Mo'Nique
Mo'Nique talks to her gay fans about body image and living day by day. Read this exclusive interview with Mo'Nique.
Sherri Murrell - Interview with Portland State University Basketball Coach
Sherri Murrell is the only out NCAA Division One Women's Basketball coach. Even though we're sure she's not the only lesbian coach, she is the only out one. Here is her interview with Lesbian Life.
Help! My Girlfriend is in the Closet
I have been with my current girlfriend for the last year. We've been best friends for three years. I have always been comfortable with my sexuality, and been
How to Get Over the Shame of Realizing You Are Gay
It seems to be inevitable that for a majority of gay men and women will struggle with the emotional pain and anguish of accepting themselves as gay. This is incredibly sad for me to see as I understand from family and friends that being homosexual is simply part of who one is. No one should have to
Gay Happiness - Finding Peace in a Social Network or a Gay Community
True or authentic gay happiness isn't possible if you are only interested in getting what you want like a twelve-year-old. It comes to you if you get out of the closet, find your unique strengths and use them in the service of others.
Lesbian Health Question: Do I Need a Pap Test?
If you haven't been sleeping with men, do you need a pap test? Here's some health information for lesbians about pap tests and pelvic exams.
Unsure Alice- Stressed About Not Knowing her Sexual Orientation
Alice is a teacher who is unsure of her sexual orientation and afraid for her career. It's stressing her out. What can she do?
Lesbian Dating Tips For Online Dating
Sites that only serve gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgendered folk may be a safer option for you if you are not out yet ; it's less sure that someone that doesn't know your alignment will find you there by accident.Additionally, the amount of potential matches could be higher when the sit
LGBT Smokers Have No Plans to Quit
Gay men are more likely to smoke and so more likely to have smoking-related health issues. But are we willing to smash the butt?