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Marriage & Divorce : Family & Relationships
Questions to ask your divorce lawyer for suggestion
Decision of separating from your spouse can be a very complex and emotional process.
Turkish Dating Culture
Unlike the Americanized version of dating, the Turkish culture does not allow teenagers to hop from person to person in attempt to find Mister or Miss Right. Instead, with premarital dating prohibited by Islamic law, the people of Turkey hold firm to their beliefs and traditions, turning toward fami
Compromise in Relationships: Do You Have a Companionate Marriage?
All Couples Have a "Contract" Whether They Realize It Or Not. Find Out What Kind of Contact You Have.
Wedding Bliss... or Wedding Stress?
Planning a wedding can be a stressful ordeal, but shouldn't interfere with the prerogative you have to enjoy your special day.This article outlines 5 surefire ways to avoid the stress on your wedding
Having No Financial Communication Will Cause Problems in Your Marriage
There are many causes that will lead to divorce. The one topic that I am going to share with you today is that if you do not have any kind of financial communication, it will cause problems in your marriage.
What Is a Proper Wedding Gift? How To Decide On What You Should Give
There is no right and wrong rule to this since every couple is different, as is every wedding guest's budget. What is well received and appreciated by one couple may horrify another. If you are ...
Marriage Celebrants : Helping with Your Wedding Vows
You may often feel consumed by all the wedding preparations that writing your wedding vows may seem burdensome.
Fathers Gaining Custody - What Are the Right Questions?
Fathers - Gaining custody of your child is too important to leave to chance. It is vital to know in advance how specific legal strategies, and types of allergations work and don't work. Prepare in advance to give yourself the best chance of gaining custody. How can you avoid wasted legal costs?
How to Love - Imprinting Negative Expectations
If there is one basic law about the energy of love, it is this: How you perceive and treat yourself is exactly how others will perceive and treat you. Every day you unconsciously show and tell people how to treat you without ever uttering a word.
Where Purpose Is Not Known, Abuse Is Highly Probable!
God instituted marriage, it wasn't the idea of any nation, government, people or group. It was God who said ''it is not good for the man to be alone; I will make him an help meet for him'' (Genesis 2:18). To understand the purpose of marriage, therefore, God's word must
Lighting at wedding venue increase the beauty
The wedding is undoubtedly one of the most important days of anyone's life. Any person is never going to forget of his own wedding day. For this reason you want everything to be perfect and ...
How to Recover From an Affair – Crucial Steps to Rebuilding Your Marriage
Learning how to recover from an affair takes a great deal of patience and understanding. Although it won't be easy you'll find that over time, with persistence and perseverance, you
Deciding Whether Divorce Is Right For You
Are you in a married relationship that is causing you a great deal of discomfort?Are you living a lie by staying in a marriage even though you know you are sacrificing your own happiness? Are you ready to make a change, but are fearful of ending your marriage because of the criticism of family, frie
There's a Light at the End of the Tunnel - Successful Co-Parenting
In order to be the best parents we can be, it is essential for us to know how to support our children without our issues interfering with being present with them and their needs. I am deeply committed to protecting kids when their parents fight, don't talk to each other and can't live toge
My Wife Says She Needs Space - Tips to Save a Marriage When This Heart Break Happens to You!
Are you worried about the fact that your wife says she needs space? I can understand your worry. This can really be a scary thing to hear and so now you're right to seek out tips to save your marriage because of it. Not only is it scary but it actually hurts your feelings quite a bit as well ri
Private Investigation Can End Your Alimony Payments!
Read how a private investigator can either reduce or terminate your alimony payments by investigating cohabitation. A few private investigators specialize in alimony investigations and can be worth their weight in gold.
Divorce Recovery - Are Your Fears Holding You Back?
Divorce turns our lives upside down.It throws us into a major life transition that is colored by intense feelings and emotions that can be debilitating.I believe that fear is the main culprit that holds us back from not only healing and letting go of our pain, but also from moving forward into a new
What Can I Do to Make My Wife Fall in Love With Me Again?
It can really be a disturbing situation for you to realize that your wife's love and affection for you have reduced. It is the right thing for you to seek to make her love you again. You will need to know that you are not alone in this regard. So many other men have suffered the same thing and
Keep Your Relationship Alive - Flirt With Your Partner
Flirting with your partner or husband at all times and even in the most unexpected situations will keep your relationship alive. The key is to constantly keep him interested in you and to always make him think about you. Here are some proven tips to revive your relationship and boost the passion in
Custody Rights of Fathers in Texas Divorce Cases
. A generation ago, it would have been assumed that the mother would receive custody of her children and likely set many of the ground rules for her ex-husband's involvement in their children's lives.