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Allergies & Asthma : Health & Medical
Infantile Asthma Remedy
Asthma episodes may be different in infants than in older children. Infants may wheeze and have difficulty breathing as do older children, but many have a chronic cough, noisy breathing or colds that always go into the chest. But no matter the symptoms, infants with asthma will usually be prescribed
Effective Home Remedies for Curing Eczema
Eczema refers to general condition of the skin resulting in inflammation, skin swelling red and itchy skin. It can affect the any age group but is more common in babies.
Ants Can Cause Asthma, Allergies
Ants in the house, and other insects such as cockroaches, can contribute to breathing problems, especially in people with asthma.
Manage Allergies In College - 5 Ways To Minimize Allergy Woes
If you are headed off to college or back to college and you suffer from allergies, you can have more control than you think. Here are 5 things you can do to effectively manage your allergies and minimize the symptoms.
Portable Nebulizers
Portable nebulizers are small compressor units that transfer asthma medications into a mist, so that it can be transferred directly to the lungs through inhaling. Portable nebulizers are used to treat asthma and other respiratory disorders and if inhaled on time, they can save lives. The best featur
Asthma Help & Your School Administrator
Your school administrator is an important ally in your child's asthma. Learn why and what your school administrator should be doing.
The Good News is You Are Allergic to Gluten
When you are first told that you are allergic to gluten it can seem like a nightmare. All you are thinking about is what you can't eat. Try and be positive, now you know what is wrong you can do something about it.
FDA Approves Clarinex-D 12 Hour
A newer version of the prescription allergy medicine Clarinex has been approved by the FDA to treat nasal and non-nasal symptoms of seasonal allergies including nasal congestion in adults and children over age 12.
Folk Remedies for Asthmatic Bronchitis
Asthma and bronchitis, although two different conditions, overlap in an area often called chronic bronchitis, or asthmatic bronchitis. Asthmatic bronchitis occurs when the spasm and shortness of breath common to asthma combine with the inflammation of air passages and accumulation of phlegm and mucu
Important Tips For Asthma Treatment
Asthma is such a disease that may have many reasons. It may be either inherited of it may originate any time at later stage. You should be careful about asthma treatment if you have become its victim. Best natural treatment is through eating such foods which strengthen the lungs, for example grams o
Dad's Asthma May Make Child's Asthma Worse
Having a father with asthma may put children with the disease at risk for more severe symptoms.
Hay Fever and Grass Pollen - 7 Answers to Questions About Pollen and Hay Fever
Hay fever affects millions of people around the world. And one of the most common and prolific triggers is grass pollen. Because climate is regional, so is pollen's arrival. But whenever grass pollen shows up in your town, knowing the answers to the following frequently asked questions will hel
Herbs Used For Treating Sinus Infection In Children
There are several ways of treating sinus infection in children. Taking antibiotics and using decongestants are two of the most popular treatment options. Using herbs is also an effective, easy and simple way of treating a sinus infection. However, like any other medicine or treatment, proper researc
What Makes Children Suffer From Urticaria?
You don't see as many cases of urticaria in children as you do in adults, however it still poses a problem. Generally urticaria is not seen in people below the age of 16, Acute cases often appear first which can turn in to the chronic version of urticaria as the sufferer grows older (most commo
Symptoms of Food Allergies
The symptoms of food allergies are going to vary from person to person. You will find that some individuals suffer from food allergies in a mild case, this means that they will have less symptoms and often the symptoms of food allergies are not going to remain for a long duration.
Asthma in Teens and Adults-Cause
The cause of asthma is not known. Health experts believe that inherited, environmental, and immune system factors combine to cause inflammation of the bronchial tubes, which carry air to the lungs. This can lead to asthma and asthma attacks. Asthma may run in families (be inherited). If this is the
Chronic Sinus Infection: Common Causes and Symptoms
The chronic sinus infection is a common ailment that affects people indiscriminately all over the world. The onset of this chronic ailment is usually marked by a cold, which itself could be traced back to an upper respiratory tract infection. The sinus infection may persist for up to 12 weeks.