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Healthy Living : Health & Medical
Meal Plan for People Who Work Late Nights
Working late night shifts can often make your meal times seem to be completely off schedule. If you work nights and sleep days you may find yourself eating breakfast when everyone else in your household is sitting down for dinner. This can also mean that your dinnertime may be very late at night and
Fruit & Vegetable Cleansing Diet
The hustle and bustle of the modern world has led to a diet of fast foods, quick snacks and hurried meals. Preservatives in frozen meals and prepared entrees are used not to improve the consumer's diet but to extend the shelf life of the product for the grocery store and manufacturer. Much of the se
How to Convert Plastic Waste to Oil
Trash can have a poor effect on the environment. For example, non biodegradable trash such as plastic takes years to break down and may contain harmful chemicals. However, plastic is made from oil, and environmental scientists have found a way to break down the plastic back to the oil by using machi
How to Purify Water Using a Household Ultraviolet Light
According to Excel Water Technologies, 85 percent of child sickness is a result of waterborne diseases, with inappropriate water treatments increasing the risk of hepatitis B, tuberculosis and meningitis. When ultraviolet light is absorbed by bacteria in water, their genetic makeup is altered so tha
Diets to Make Your Stomach Flat
Losing belly fat is the reason for some people to begin a weight loss diet. Diet programs that promise to target stomach fat and allow you to lose weight in this region are not being honest about how weight is lost. Increased fat in the stomach area is a health concern and is largely a product of st
Proper Sterilization Procedure for Tattoo Equipment
Tattoo equipment sterilization is just as important as medical equipment sterilization, because it comes into contact with human skin and blood. The equipment may be exposed to diseases such as hepatitis and AIDS, and the only way to keep the tattoo artist and his clients safe is to kill all bacteri
Ant Allergies
For most people, ant stings are just a painful nuisance. For other people, they can cause dangerous and occasionally fatal reactions. Such allergies are acquired, not innate, so even people who have experienced ant stings before should remain alert for reactions.
How to Treat Autism With Massage Therapy
People with autism have a large number of symptoms that affect them daily. Many of these might be improved with the use of massage therapy. Benefits have been shown for people who are tactile defensive or do not like to be touched. Balance and walking can be improved along with lack of attention and
How to Live With Allergies to Milk
Having an allergy to milk is very different from being lactose intolerant, and the two are often confused. A milk allergy is caused by an immune system response to the milk protein, or casein. Lactose intolerance occurs when your body lacks the enzyme needed to digest milk sugar, or lactose.
How to Drink Noni
Noni juice, used for centuries, has been attributed with great healing powers. The juice comes from the fruit of the noni tree, also known as Morinda citrifolia. This small tree is found in India, the Caribbean, South America, the West Indies and the South Pacific. Noni juice often is associated wit
Definition of a Balanced Diet
A balanced diet is achieved by selecting a wide variety of healthy foods each day. The U.S. government has established dietary guidelines represented by a food pyramid that consists of the following categories.
What Is High Fructose Corn Syrup?
High fructose corn syrup is widely used as a sweetener and preservative. Many types of products such as soda pop, condiments and hard candy use high fructose corn syrup as one of their main ingredients. Overall, high fructose corn syrup is 45 percent glucose and 55 percent fructose. It tastes like s
Nontoxic Insecticides for Ants
Rather than resorting to chemical means of ant control, look for nontoxic alternatives. Using chemical insecticides risks damage to plants as well as the chance of the insecticides leaching into the ground, harming soil, animals and even groundwater. Chemical insecticides can also have health reperc
Health Benefits of Pistachios
Pistachios may not be the most preferred nut, but they have advantages that few know about. While the pistachio may be a more expensive choice among nuts, it is loaded with nutrients and health benefits. Adding pistachios to your diet can help your health and well-being.
What Foods Contain Hydrogenated Oils?
Baked goods, such as donuts, often contain hydrogenated oils.donuts with spinkles image by James Insogna from Fotolia.comHydrogenated oils, or vegetable oils processed to be more solid, are common in a variety of foods. While vegetable oils are normally fairly heart-healthy, the...
What Plant Does Quinine Come From?
UseAlthough quinine originally was manufactured to treat malaria, forms of the drug now are used to treat lupus, leg cramps that occur at night, or arthritis. Sold commercially as Qualaquin, the medication is used only to treat conditions, not prevent them.The Cinchona TreeQuinine...
How to Apply Suntan Lotion & Bug Repellent at the Same Time
When you and your family spend time outdoors, it is important to stay protected from both the harmful rays of the sun and insects that may bring maladies such as West Nile virus and Lyme disease. Combination sunscreen and insect repellents are one option; applying the products separately is another.
1000-Calorie Meal Plan for Men
Men consuming fewer than 1,500 calories per day are advised to do so under a doctor's supervision. This method, a very-low calorie plan, aids in rapid weight loss but must be undertaken in such a way that the proper amount of nutrients are ingested.
Pollution Prevention Techniques
Pollution prevention occurs when waste is reduced or eliminated at the main source before it reaches the environment. Another way to prevent pollution is to use greener substances and conserve natural resources. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has developed strategies to assist in preventin
Liver Cleanse Home Remedy
The human liver is responsible for detoxifying the body by denying harmful substances further access to the bloodstream. Due to the number of toxins the body absorbs through diet, environment and medication, it is important that the liver works optimally to maintain health. While the liver is able