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Healthy Living : Health & Medical
Singular & High Levels of Eosinophils
Eosinophils are white blood cells known as phagocytes. Their presence is not normal because they do not develop unless the body is fighting an infection or an allergic reaction of some kind. Complete blood count tests do, however, offer a numerical range for a healthy level of eosinophils. Numbers o
Mullein Home Remedy
Mullein grows naturally in areas surrounding the Mediterranean Sea and Ethiopia. This herb has a long history of use for many conditions. Both the leaves and flowers are used in herbal preparations. It has both external and internal applications that range from respiratory conditions to hemorrhoids.
What Is the Meaning of Antiseptic?
Antiseptic means preventing infection and decay by limiting the action of microorganisms. An antiseptic is a substance that kills or inhibits the growth and development of microorganisms on living tissue. Most antiseptics are topical agents applied to skin and mucous membranes. Some antiseptics, how
How Many Grams of Sugar Can a Diabetic Have Per Day?
When a person is diagnosed with diabetes, her diet has to be adjusted in order to bring her body weight into the ideal range for her body type. Using various calculations, doctors find the patient's ideal body weight and assign her a certain number of calories to consume per day. The number usually
What Material Thickness for Countertops?
When it comes to customizing your kitchen countertops, there are a wide variety of choices, ranging from natural stones such as granite and marble, to woods, tiles, concrete, laminates, Silestone and beyond. Your personal preference for color and style will dictate the exact selection, but one of th
How to Tell If You Have a Gluten Allergy
With a Gluten Allergy (also called celiac disease---often confused and misdiagnosed with irritable bowel syndrome). Each person will present differently with symptoms. How can you tell if you have a gluten allergy or plain old indigestion if everyone's symptoms differ? There are two types of Gluten
Low Carb High Protein Breakfast Foods
Breakfast is considered the most important meal of the day. A healthy breakfast gives the body calories and nutrients for energy. Studies have also shown that eating a healthy breakfast helps maintain a healthy weight since the body does not go into starvation mode and conserves fat and calories. He
Natural Hair Loss Treatment Using Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple cider vinegar is an invaluable addition to any pantry. In addition to its culinary uses, this vinegar has many remedial applications, due to its nutrient-rich composition. Apple cider vinegar provides a natural, chemical-free solution for those who experience hair loss or excessive thinning.
How to Treat Snoring Problems Naturally
You can put an end to your snoring problems by using natural remedies. Snoring can cause problems for both you and your partner. Perhaps, the most notable problem that snoring can cause is a lack of sleep. This can lead to other issues, such as daytime sleepiness, irritability, and poor concentratio
How to Claim a Slab Leak to My Home Insurance
If you have noticed a sudden, unexplained increase in your water bill, a slab leak is one of several possible causes. A slab leak is a leak in a hot or cold water plumbing line running beneath the slab foundation of your house. Because finding a slab leak can be difficult, and fixing the pipe involv
Guide to Low-Carb Foods
Diets today are mainly concerned with fat, carbohydrate and caloric intake. While fat- and calorie-laden food is often easy to identify, carbohydrate contents of food are not. Low-carb diet programs like Atkins and South Beach maintain that lower carbohydrate intake can help many people with weight
What Happens If a Person Has Too Much Calcium?
Mom always told you to drink all your milk if you want strong bones, but what if you drink too much? According to the Office of Dietary Supplements, hypercalcemia, high blood calcium levels, rarely stems from your diet or supplements.
Daily Caloric Requirements
In order to maintain a healthy weight and ensure that you receive proper nutrition, meeting your caloric needs is imperative. Caloric requirements will vary based on your age, activity level, and fitness goals.
How to Get Rid of the Tranderdia Virus
The Tranderdia virus is an obscure virus released by a small malware creation group in Ukraine. The target of this virus is the login credentials for various European banks, which it then passes along to its creators who use this information to steal money from their victims. Due to the design of th
Types of Asphalt Plants
Asphalt is used for roads, roofing and parking lots.asphalt image by AGphotographer from Fotolia.comAsphalt is used for paving roads, parking lots and roofing. It mostly consists of sand, gravel or stone which is bound together by cement made from crude oil. There are two kinds of...
How to Leach Soil of Salt Buildup
All soil contains salt, but it is usually in a low level. Too much salt in the soil can be dangerous to plant growth, resulting in effects from poorly developed leaves and blossoms to plant death. Too much fertilizing or watering in poorly draining soils can cause the buildup of saline in the soil.
No Cook Diet
Some people have a hectic schedule and simply don't have time to cook, but this should not stop them from adhering to a healthy diet. As recommended by the United States Department of Agriculture, foods from five food groups should be consumed daily for good health. The information below will guide
How To Prepare Turmeric Milk
A spice well known in India for its bright yellow color, turmeric also has found its way into alternative medicine. Although you do not have to adhere to Ayurvedic therapies or embrace complementary medicine to enjoy turmeric milk, keep in mind that for 4,000 years people have added turmeric to milk
Airline Food Contamination
Recent FDA airline food inspections provide evidence of widespread food safety violations. Although airlines themselves do not prepare the food, inspections show that large airline catering companies have fallen short of established food-safety standards.
Hoist-Safety Training
Construction is a high hazard industry that requires workers to operate dangerous types of machinery, according to the U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration. Hoist-safety practices apply to construction workers who will be lifted by planks or elevators to perform their jobs in inaccessi