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Healthy Living : Health & Medical
How to Use a Pendulum for Chakra Clearing
A pendulum is a suspended weight or pendant used for energy work and divination. In chakra cleansing, a pendulum acts as an indicator of energy center balance and clarity. In practice, a pendulum is a useful tool for energy workers and patients alike, since its a tangible, visible signal for problem
How to Prevent Night Terrors
Getting a good night's sleep does not have to be a thing of fantasy. It can very much be a part of reality! Read more to learn how you can prevent night terrors for a good night's sleep.
How to Eliminate Odors When Shipping Food
Shipping home-cooked food to a family member stationed overseas or a loved one away at college can remind them of the pleasures of home, but the food must arrive fresh and odor-free to be truly appreciated. Shipping foods without coolants or insulation can accelerate the deterioration process, which
How to Install a High & Low Impedance
When you are hooking up equipment like a powered amplifier to a car audio system and your deck doesn't have the proper connections for an amplifier, you will need to use a high/low impedance converter. Audio signals are sent from a head unit by a high-level signal or a low-level signal. A high-level
How to Fit an Oversized Finger Ring
An oversized ring poses a serious problem. When a ring is too large to fit properly, it can be easily lost. It’s also a hassle having to readjust an oversized ring every five minutes. Fortunately, there are things you can do to tighten an oversized finger ring. Consider your options and choose
Health Benefits of Hot Tubs
There are a number of health benefits of hot tubs for people who need temporary relief from stress and those who suffer from chronic illnesses. Hydrotherapy works by providing the right amount of heat to massage the body, producing a relaxing effect. They also provide therapeutic effects as well for
How to Improve Shoulder Posture
With so many people working office jobs, it is no wonder many people have back issues. Many negative effects result from poor shoulder posture, which is a common condition in the office environment due to lack of break times. Many people get caught up in their work and don't take enough time to stre
Omniscan Contrast Dye Side Effects
Omniscan is a medicinal dye used to help medical personnel view internal organs and blood vessels during MRI testing. As with any drug, there are side effects associated with the use of Omniscan. Some of these side effects are severe and extreme caution should be used in patients who are given Omnis
Public Swimming Pools Risks
Public swimming pools present several health and safety risks.little boy at pool image by .shock from Fotolia.comPublic swimming pools are a great way to combat soaring summer temperatures, but they also have the potential to serve as a significant health and safety risk. Along with...
Atrazine History
Atrazine is a widely used herbicide utilized by farmers to control and prevent weeds from growing among crops, especially corn. Public safety measures have increased through the years because of the health risks associated with Atrazine use. Its detrimental effects on ecosystems have also alerted en
Home Cures for Pseudogout
Pseudogout, like gout, is a form of arthritis. Pseudogout mimics gout in its symptoms and can affect numerous joints for days or even weeks at a time. Symptoms of pseudogout include swelling and irritation of the joints and pain, which can become severe. Like gout, pseudogout is caused by a buildup
The Benefits of Noni Juice for Rheumatism
Tahiti is one place the noni plant growstahiti island image by Xavier MARCHANT from Fotolia.comMedical miracle or Polynesian snake oil? The scientific jury is still out on the benefits of noni juice, but thousands afflicted with rheumatism and other conditions offer testimonials of its...
How to Gently Clean a Scab With Soap & Water
When skin is scraped, scratched or cut, it tends to bleed. Blood seeps out of the wound until it coagulates, or hardens, forming a protective scab that fends off bacteria and, consequently, infection. Scabs are commonly itchy, and when you scratch them you peel off the skin to reopen the wound and i
What Are the Benefits of Quinine in Tonic Water?
Quinine is a drug used to treat malaria. It has been used off-label to treat leg cramps, but the side effects outweigh the benefits in this case. Modern tonic water contains much less quinine than is necessary for any medical treatment.
Natural Candida Cure
Candida, also known as a yeast infection, is when the pH balance of the vagina is higher or lower than normal, causing yeast production to multiply. The surefire sign of a yeast infection is thick, cottage cheese-like discharge in the vagina, burning while urinating, and internal itching that gets w
How to Make Pau D'Arco Tea
Preparing pau d'arco tea only requires you to boil water. While reputed to cure fungal infections in mice, studies prove inconclusive in people. Many people still prepare this tea as a complementary therapy to other traditional means of curing fungal infections in the body. As with all herbal supple
Medical Discoveries of the 1950s
Many medical discoveries were made in the 1950s after revealing the double-helical structure of DNA. The understanding of DNA led to a better grasp of the replication of viruses, which is why the decade saw the discovery of many antibiotics. Researchers made other advances and improved upon them so
Urethane Foam Health Effects
Improperly handled ethyl carbamate, or urethane, has shown dangerous side effects in animals and humans.