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Healthy Living : Health & Medical
Life Raft Training
The U.S. Coast Guard accredits training for life raft use in cold water conditions developed by the Alaska Marine Safety Education Association, the U.S. Marine Safety Association and the New Jersey Marine Sciences Consortium.
Ways to Recycle Aluminum
Recycle image by jeremyhowell from Fotolia.comIt's hard to deny that ecological awareness and active participation in "earth-friendly" initiatives is on the rise. Everywhere you look, in magazines, on television, on the Internet and in our own communities, there are people working...
Combantrin Side Effects
Combantrin is a medication used to eliminate pinworms (threadworms). It also eliminates hookworms and roundworms, although this information is not included on product labeling. Combantrim is a brand name for pyrantel, and this particular brand is available in countries such as Canada and Australia.
What Is White Fish Food Poisoning?
Food poisoning occurs when you eat certain raw foods, such as meat, poultry, and fish, without properly cooking them. Whitefish sometimes contains harmful bacteria that becomes poisonous when ingested.
Home Remedies for Relief From Hemorrhoids
Hemorrhoids are an inflammation or swelling of the veins in and around the anus and lower rectum. Considered to be one of the most common medical afflictions, it is easily treatable through not only a variety of medications, but through a number of remedies found in the home and through lifestyle ch
What Gets Rid of Mosquitoes?
Nothing ruins an outdoor get-together like a buzzing swarm of mosquitoes. Mosquitoes are attracted to the carbon dioxide that you release through your nose and mouth when you exhale. But don't hold your breath -- you can make mosquitoes disappear by making your environment less mosquito-friendly. Ma
Treating Nasal Allergies
Symptoms of Seasonal and Perennial Nasal AllergiesIf you suffer from nasal allergies, you're among the 40 million other Americans (see Resources) who also battle symptoms such as runny nasal discharge, congestion, watery red eyes, sneezing and itchy nose and ear discomfort. Also known as...
Popular Effective Diets
Effective diets can be measured by their popularity. Years of accumulated success stories showcase the efficiency and widespread use of diets. Fad diets will burst on the scene and be gone within a few months. Successful diets last for years, are sustainable and can be evolved into part of a healthy
Safety Procedures for Liquid Fuel Stoves
Liquid fuel stoves are a welcomed addition to outdoor activities like camping, backpacking and traveling in an RV. Portable models are designed to lighten the load while backpacking and permanent cooktop stoves give RVs the cooking comforts of a home on the road. When you shop for liquid fuel stoves
How to Store Energy by Using Dynamo
A dynamo is an electric generator that produces direct current using a commutator. A commutator is a device that reverses the direction of current. The dynamo uses wire coils that rotate creating a magnetic field. This action converts the mechanical energy of the rotation to a direct electric curr
Alphabetical List of Ultra Low-Cal Foods
Cucumbers are an ultra low-cal food containing only 12 calories per 100 gram serving.cucumbers image by dinostock from Fotolia.comA low-calorie diet has long been considered a key to weight loss. Foods high in fiber and water content offer the most volume with the least amount of...
Making Homeopathic Remedies
If you need a homeopathic remedy that is not available, for example, to treat a flower allergy, you can make your own. You can also make a remedy using a purchased remedy as your source material or make a remedy of a different strength from what you have. You can also make a liquid remedy from pell
Probiotics Used to Cure Cancer in Rats
Probiotics are organisms that help to maintain a healthy human digestive system, including, possibly, decreasing the incidence of colon cancer. These bacteria are usually found in fermented foods such as yogurt. According to an article in the International Journal of Molecular Sciences,...
Diabetic Exercise Plans
There are many reasons to work an exercise plan into your daily routine. Exercise burns calories, helps you lose weight, decreases stress and helps you have a healthier heart. If you're diabetic, the reasons are even more compelling. Regular exercise lowers blood glucose levels and increases insulin
How to Find the Best Organic Green Tea Extract
Organic green tea extract is used in a wide variety of things. It can be incorporated into recipes for salads, ice cream, or even cookies. It is also an ingredient in various soaps and lotions. Some people like to take it as a vitamin supplement. Generally speaking, one ounce of green tea extract is
Protein Supplements for Renal Patients
Excessive amounts of protein in the diet have long been regarded by some as dangerous to the kidneys in a typically healthy person. However, a renal patient (a person with kidney ailments) who undergoes dialysis has a greater need for protein than most, and may even need to supplement her diet with
How to Recycle Empty Paint Cans
Paint cans disposed of in landfills not only take up a lot of space, but any amounts of wet or dry paint within the cans---especially paint with a solvent base or containing VOCs---can create an environmental and/or health hazard. Thankfully, most recycling plants that handle steel or other types of
Oncovin Side Effects
Oncovin is a brand name for vincristine, a prescription drug used to treat some kinds of cancer, including acute leukemia, neuroblastoma and non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. Oncovin interferes with the growth of cancer cells and also may have an effect on normal body cells. It is administered by injection, a
Free Natural Cures for Yeast Infections
Yeast infections can manifest in several different problems, such as thrush, vaginal infection and rash. Caused by an overgrowth of candida albicans, this fungus is naturally present in our genital and digestive tracts. Symptoms include itchy skin, vaginal discharge, diarrhea, sore throat and extrem