How do I Clean a Pool With Rust?
- 1). Do not add chlorine to your pool for several days. You want your chlorine level to drop. You can perform water tests to see if your chlorine levels are low.
- 2). Turn the filter for your pool off. You do not want the water cycling at this point.
- 3). Apply ascorbic acid to the rust stains. You can either purchase ascorbic acid powder from your local pool supply store or use vitamin C tablets. If you are using the powder, pour the ascorbic acid powder into an old tube sock and tie the end of sock off. Place the sock on the rust stain. If you choose to use vitamin C tablets, place the tablets directly on top of the stains.
- 4). Leave the ascorbic acid on the stains for a minimum of 15 minutes. If you used a sock full of ascorbic acid, remove the sock at this point.
- 5). Rub the stain with a scrub brush, if you can reach it. If not, use a pool brush to rub the stain. This will remove the remainder of the stain.
- 6). Remove the filter and rinse it with running water. Replace the filter.
- 7). Backwash your filter by pumping the handle a few times and then turn it back on.
- 8). Add chlorine back to your pool as you normally would.