How to Get Skunks Out From Under My House
- 1). Place castor oil-soaked rags or ammonia-soaked rags around your house, focusing on the skunk entrances. These substances are repulsive to skunks and may be enough to make them leave, at least for a while.
- 2). Make a lot of sudden, loud noise to scare the skunks off. Bang pots, shout through a megaphone or use a car horn. Keep going until you see the skunks bolt.
- 3). Determine that there are no skunks still under your house before you begin work. Double check with a flashlight if possible.
- 4). Lay square paving slabs or concrete blocks across their entrances and anywhere you think are potential entrances; remember that skunks can dig. Position the slabs so they touch the sides of your house.
- 5). Dig a trench at least one foot deep and one foot across along the side of the paving slabs. Bend hardware cloth so it runs down the side of the trench next to the blocks and across the bottom of the trench. Fill the trench back in with the soil you removed and stamp it down firmly.
- 6). Stop feeding pets outside. This will discourage the skunks from returning to your home.