How to Kill Mold in a Backyard
- 1). Rinse the surface mold and other debris off the concrete with a water hose.
- 2). Fill a bucket with 2 gallons of water. Add 1 cup of oxygen bleach and 2 drops of liquid dish soap to the water. Mix with a wooden spoon.
- 3). Saturate a scrub brush in the mixture. Scrub the molded concrete with the brush in a circular motion. Submerge the brush into the mixture when needed and continue scrubbing the concrete until you have thoroughly cleaned the area.
- 4). Allow the mixture to sit on the concrete for 15 minutes. Rinse the mixture off the concrete with a water hose. Allow the concrete to air-dry.
- 1). Mix 1 cup of water with 1/4 tsp. of bleach. Saturate a clean scrub brush in the mixture.
- 2). Scrub the mold off the wood with the brush. Allow the bleach mixture to sit on the wood for 15 minutes.
- 3). Rinse the mixture off the wood with a damp cloth or water hose.
- 4). Allow the wood to air-dry.
- 1). Remove the slime mold from the dirt with a garden shovel. Place the slime mold inside a plastic garbage bag. Scoop a layer of the surrounding dirt with the shovel and place it in the bag as well.
- 2). Rinse the area with a water hose. Rinse off any plants that have slime mold present.
- 3). Spray neem oil on the area to prevent the slime mold from returning.
Mold on Concrete
Mold On Wood
Slime Mold on Lawn