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Gay Lesbian & Bisexual & Transgender : Family & Relationships
Easton Mountain Retreat
What can you expect from a gay men's retreat like Easton Mountain? Read about my visit to this tranquil location.
Top Gay Travel Destinations of 2006
A recent survey found that reputation and safety are the most important to gay travelers. These travel destinations made the top list for 2006.
The L Word Season Three – Episode 4- Recap
Here's your recap of the fourth episode of The L Word's Third Season.
Eden Pacific Northwest
Eden Pacific Northwest is a new lesbian circuit party on the Oregon Coast. Here's all you need to know about this new lesbian circuit party in Oregon.
Transgender Teen Body Image Issues
Transgender teens may have body image issues that a both related to being trans and also related to being a teen.
Been Exposed to HIV in the Last 72 Hours? Here's What to Do
They call it the HIV morning after pill, for those situations where you've been exposed to HIV through a known positive partner, by blood or other at-risk exposure. If you have been exposed to HIV in the last 72 hours, you may be able to take an HIV prevention regimen called Post Exposure Proph
Is it Harder For Me to Find Love As a Lesbian?
What happens if you come out at an early age, and you can't work out who you should approach, and how to get started into dating? It can be very complicated, but it needn't be so.
Her Sweet Spot: 101 Sexy Ways to Find and Please It
Her Sweet Spot: 101 Sexy Ways to Find and Please It: Lesbian Book Review.
How to Attract Married Women for Women
Dating is never easy. To persuade a partner even more so and when it comes to the same sex well you're in for a run. Not really but sometimes given the society who talks and which paces a taboo on a topic like this. Though some cultures have accepted same sex companions, women looking for women
I Know What I Wish I Could Give Her
We keep pointing at the inequality that exists between us, and trying to change minds without being as brutal and hateful as those who oppose us. I doubt we ever could be. I don't think that my circle of gay friends even have it in them to mirror the mindset of the people who apparently hate an
What to Do if You Think Your Boyfriend Is Gay
You think your boyfriend is gay, but how do you confront him? Read this and other advice about gay boyfriends.
An Interview with Mikey Koffman from 'The Real L Word
Lesbian Life interview with The Real L Word star Mikey Koffman.
How Many People Are Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual or Transgender?
A lot of teens wonder how many people are gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgender. Here is what the most recent research says.
Black Gay Men Are Plagued by Stigma and a Lack of Options
Is there only one way to be black and gay? Our ideas concerning black gay culture have a tendency to frame it this way. But, in fact, black gay men are as diverse as the gay community and American culture itself.
The Top 10 Places to Meet Lesbians and Bisexual Women
Where can you meet other lesbians or bisexuals? Here are my top ideas, including a bar, the gay and lesbian center, church, through friends.
Out of the Pocket by Bill Konigsberg
Bill Konigsberg presents "Out of the Pocket," a fictional coming out story of one Bobby Framingham, a star quarterback whose secret is revealed in the most public of ways.