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Marriage & Divorce : Family & Relationships
7 Lies You Believe When You Are Considering Divorce
When you're considering divorce, society makes it so easy. There are 7 common lies that are easy to believe when you are thinking of divorce. Don't believe them!
You'Ll Never Save Your Marriage Unless You Know This First
It's hard to think clearly for any spouse in the middle of a heated marriage crisis. For most of us, the thought of losing our most cherished relationship absolutely consumes your every thought. You must know this absolutely critical piece of advice in this article if your going to save you mar
Mothers' Custody Rights in a Child Custody Case
As a mother becomes involved in her child custody case, she may worry she won't get to see her kids or that she won't be happy with the arrangement. It's important for mothers to remember that they have custody rights regarding their children. Here are some of the basic custody rights
Things Don't Settle on Their Own, They Get Settled
When your relationship ends it may be time to hit the reset button and reinvent your self. Otherwise you may end up leading a life of quiet desperation and wearing a mask of false happiness when you're really only half alive inside. The Chinese Enneagram for crisis is described as "dangero
Morals, Convictions and Beliefs - Important Questions to Ask Before Marriage
Some of the top questions to ask before marriage have to do morals, convictions and beliefs. These are very important to every living person and it is vital to ask these questions before marriage.
Common Engagement Ring Shopping Mistakes That Men Make
Buying jewelry is not the easiest job for most men and they will often put it off when they can. When it comes to shopping for an engagement ring, putting it off for too long is not an option. Admittedly, it can be quite intimidating trying to choose the perfect ring for your significant other.
The Does He Love Me Test - Find Out for Sure!
Do you wish there was a "does he love me" test to discover how the man in your life really feels about you? Are you in a relationship where things are going alright, but you're not sure if they're really moving in the right direction? Do you want to know how he really feels about
Help With Restoring a Marriage
Help with restoring a marriage may be easier than you think. You and your spouse love each other, and you CAN make your marriage work.
Use Poker to Save Your Marriage
Learn how to solve your marriage problems by using poker as a mediating tool.
How To Get Your Husband Back Without Losing His Respect
It is not true that desperate times call for desperate measures when you are dealing with a broken relationship. This is because if you act out of desperation, chances are you will lose the respect ...
Fireproof Your Marriage
Life today is full of stress. Dwindling job security, increasing bills, decreasing income, health problems, misbehaving children, needy children, even perfect children: all of these factors contribute to giving marriage a tough time at being successful.
Divorce Advice - 7 Traps to Avoid For a Healthier Transition During and After Divorce
No one skates through divorce, it's life altering and hugely emotional. However, life will be much easier if you avoid certain traps.
Benefits for Military Divorced Wives
When a military marriage ends, the non-military spouse may still be entitled to some benefits.c..."ur bris?? image by Ellsing from Fotolia.comWives who are divorced from their military husbands are usually entitled to some benefits ranging from health care to commissary privileges to...
Sweep Her With a Solitaire Diamond Ring
Want to impress your lady? Do it in style with a diamond solitaire ring that not only looks stunning but also captures her heart forever. Get involved in picking the perfect one that she will always treasure.
Alabama Free Divorce Records
The Department of Health in the state of Alabama administers the Alabama Center for Health Statistics which is an agency given the task to store and maintain the state's vital records such as the Alabama ...
Unhappy Marriage Signs - 7 Unhappy Marriage Signs To Take Note In Your Marriage
Unhappy marriage signs are among the common problems faced by married couples now a day. These are problems often seen by the couples but come and go all the time. These can affect them and their children especially when signs are evident all of the time. More so, it is not beneficial for a healthy
What You Can Do About Your Mean Wife
If you read some of the message boards, you might be surprised by how many men complain about "my mean wife". They are usually asking for advice.What to do about a pregnant, mean wife?Why does she treat me this way?Those are some of the questions that you'll see.Sometimes, you need to
Ten Simple Steps to a More Affectionate Marriage
Would you like to have a more satisfying, more gracious, more affectionate marriage?Here are ten of our steps for increasing the level of satisfaction in your marriage.
My Wife Has Lost Her Feelings for Me! How to Reconnect with the Woman You Love
My wife has lost her feelings for me isn't something you ever want to hear yourself saying. Even though we're all well aware of the staggering divorce rates, we still get married wit
How to Stop Stalking Your Ex
Stalking is stalking, whether you do it via text message or following your ex down the street. The only person who really suffers is you as you remain locked in the past and prevent yourself from movi