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Marriage & Divorce : Family & Relationships
How to Not Date a Married Man - Relationship Advice
Do you feel special because you are secretly seeing married men or a married man? Yeah-you know he is married, but then again, he is everything you want in a man. Besides this, it is obviously you are fulfilling his needs; he is with you. Of course, it is his wife's fault. If she were doing her job,
Fix Unhappy Marriage and Improve Your Relationship by Asking Yourself 7 Questions
Every relationship from marriage to the relationship we have with our friends has it's own set of rules. In order tofix an unhappy marriage and improve your relationship you have to understand the basics of these rules.
Your Love Guide - Do You Know Why You Should Reconnect With a Former Lover?
Are you carrying a torch for a lost lover and yearning to reconnect?Find out why the best place to look for your best love match may be in your past.And learn three ways to locate your lost love and set up a reunion now.
Why Husbands Cheat and how to Win him Back
If your husband has cheated the one question echoing through your mind is this: why? You want to know why he cheated. Why you weren't enough. You need to know why she was able to ...
I Love You u- Say It in 100+ Different Ways
I LOVE YOU definitely is something that anybody would want to hear from you, but why not make it extra special by saying or writing it in another language? To make your life easier, I have compiled several different ways of saying I LOVE YOU to your true love.
Stage Proposal
I proposed to my wife Karen onstage in front of 400 people. I am a theatredirector and had spent the summer directing 35 middle school students in aproduction of "The Music Man". I knew that I wanted to propose sometime inJuly, so I thought that I would do it onstage after the last perform
Biblical Principles to Maintain and Uphold the Sanctity of Marriage Between Husband and Wife
Why are wedding vows broken so often? How can lovers remain together and keep their promises to each other? Mainly, marriages prematurely end when lovers do not fully grasp the principles of marriage before they say, "I do." The basic marriage principles couples should understand include t
I'm Devastated. How To Get Back My Ex? 5 Basic Things You Need To Know.
Devastation, an expression that is associated with break ups, divorce and break up could leave you with a wound in the heart that need to be healed. But you can make things when you are ...
British Divorces Affected By The Economic Crisis
Apparently, a relationship can also be affected by an economic crisis, but, in fact, it is not the relationship we are talking about now, but its ending. Apparently, there are corners of the world where people don't go for a divorce even if they don't get along anymore and that is because
How to Save a Broken Marriage
In our world today, breakdowns in marriages are real.The best way to deal with a broken marriage is to preempt it because once a marriage is broken it is very difficult to restore.This article highlights symptoms of marriage breakdown and gives practical tips on what to do about it.
Details-Regarding-Marriage License Search
Various public accounts in the state of Kentucky are stored at the Office of Vital Statistics since 1958. Unfortunately, prior to that year, Kentucky Marriage Records [] and other pertinent files were not yet available. ...
Five common reasons people get divorced
Unfortunately, no matter how much effort and love we put into a marriage, they can come to an end. Here are five of the most common causes for divorce.
How to Communicate Effectively in a Relationship
Effective communication is very necessary in any relationship that is kin in growing stronger and stronger. Most relationship problems can be solved through effective communication in the relationship. I have read several posts on relationship communication but I think this particular one worth your
What Are the Right Steps in Stopping Divorce?
Whenever the question of stopping divorce occurs, the causes that had led to such a situation should be carefully analyzed first. Statistics reveal that divorces had been steadily increasing each year over the past several decades. Normally, there are a few basic causes that lead to divorce between
Rebound Relationships
Some people feel that rebound relationship can only compound the pain. In such cases it is better to step away from a new relationship. If you are on rebound and have realized this, it is better to le
Five Timeless Wedding Hairstyles For Long Hair (Part 1)
If there's ever a time a bad hair day is most unwelcome it's your wedding day, right? What's more you have been looking forward to this day for a long time. As the bride you ...
How To Meet The Love Of Your Life
Research has shown that relationships are breaking off at the highest rate ever. Are you into any serious relationship? Or, are you about to begin any relationship? If you are into any of the above, then this article is designed to help you enter into or enjoy an existing relationship that will last
Make Him Fall in Love - It's a Process and it Takes Time
What is the secret to making a guy fall in love with you? How do you push him into committing to you and your relationship?
Making Passionate Love To Life: How to Cope With Divorce
Making Passionate Love To Life: How to Cope With Divorce is an article that offers a new strategy for moving past a breakup and back into the joy and passion of a fully lived life. To many women are crippled by the experience of divorce, and wither rather move into a deeper, more empowered relations
Shaadi - Can I Marry a Non Muslim
Single Muslim men can marry a non Muslim Women however, Muslim Women cannot perform Shaadi with a Non Muslim man, so I guess the next question is why is it permissible for a Single Muslim man to marry a Christian or a Jewish woman, and at the same time, it is forbidden that a Muslim woman? Shaadi f