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Healthy Living : Health & Medical
Diets for Decreasing Your Carb Intake
Low-carbohydrate, or low-carb, diets are among the most popular for weight loss. Consuming too many carbs increases insulin levels that lead to overeating and obesity. Carbs are harder for the body to process, leading to an increase of fat storage.Allowable foods vary for dif
How to Cook with Herbs for Health
For any cook, herbs are an important component of your pantry. They add specific flavors that enhance foods and make your secret recipes something people want to learn. In addition to flavoring your favorite recipes, herbs can add a health component with medicinal qualities. You can use dried or fre
Oral Health Conditions and Children's Self-Perception of QoL
Studies have confirmed that oral health could have an impact on the quality of life of children and adolescents. But how do personal, social, and environmental variables factor into the equation?
The Best Ways to Take Nettle
Nettle is an herb that has been used since medieval Europe. It has been researched and proven effective at relieving symptoms from conditions like urinary tract infections, hay fever and prostate problems. Determining what is the best method for taking nettle depends on the symptoms. Consult with a
How to Water Test a Spa Pump
If your spa were a car, the pump would be the engine. This is the component that moves the water through the system and out through the jets. The pump is usually located on the outside equipment compartment of the tub. If you want to perform a visual test of the pump, you are going to have to access
How to lose weight without Counting Calories everyday
People who are putting great effort in losing weight are accustomed to the concept of calorie count. Most of them count every calorie they take and try to lose their weight by controlling their calorie intake. Though it is a good idea for losing weight, it is not the only way. There are many healthi
Instructions on How to Set Up a Contour Diabetes Meter
People with diabetes rely on glucose meters to monitor their blood sugar. The Contour blood glucose meter by Bayer Diabetes Care combines ease of use with accurate results in just five seconds. Unlike some glucose meters, the Contour meter does not need to be calibrated each time a new bottle of tes
Tools for the Use of Personal Protective Equipment
Personal protective equipment (PPE) is designed to protect an individual from a potentially harmful substance, noise hazards or injury. PPE includes gloves, booties, gowns, boots, masks, respirators, face masks, helmets, goggles, hearing preservation equipment and specialized protective clothing. Th
How to Get a Celebrity to Attend a Benefit
Celebrity guests are known to draw many people to an event. Having one headline your benefit will give you the boost needed to raise funds for your cause. However, celebrity guests come with costs as well. They have appearance fees and accommodations that are negotiated into the contracts you both s
Conti's Medicine Wheel Nutrition Guide
Kibbe Conti is a member of the Lakota tribe and a nutritionist, who specializes in diabetic nutrition. While working on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in South Dakota she developed a medicine wheel to demonstrate basic dietary needs and problems, in a culturally appropriate format. She believed
Snake Oil Remedies
The term "snake oil" has become synonymous with a remedy or idea of little or no value that is being passed off as a miracle cure. Historically, many of the cure-alls being peddled as snake oil contained no part of the snake whatsoever; so whether or not they had any benefit had nothing to do with s
The Effects of Black Lights on Vision
Black lights emit UV radiation that can be harmful to the eyes and can affect vision over time. Although the eyes do have some built-in defenses, these weaken over time and some of the defenses themselves can affect vision.
How to Get Rid of Spiders Quickly
Spiders can be annoying and some varieties are even deadly. If you see a large number of spiders around your home it's best to get rid of them quickly. Rather than trying to exterminate or kill every single spider (although it might be some great exercise), it's best to deter them from your home.
Healthy Family Diet Plan
Healthy eating doesn't have to be time-consuming or stressful. In fact, it's possible to plan a healthy eating plan for the whole family in just a few minutes a day by shopping for the right foods and ensuring a variety of choices.
Herbal Uses of the Dried Yarrow Root and Flower
Yarrow is a perennial herb with fernlike leaves and flowers that look like miniature daisies. This herb blossoms from June to September. It can grow to three feet tall. Yarrow is native to Europe and naturalized throughout the world.
Foods to Avoid on a High Potassium Diet
If you are on a high-potassium diet then there are certain foods that should be avoided. People who suffer from high blood pressure, or are at risk for heart disease or stroke, should avoid foods and substances that interfere with Potassium absorption.
Ten Facts About Diabetes
Diabetes occurs when either the pancreas secretes too little or no insulin to help the cells absorb glucose from blood or when the cells are incapable of utilizing the available insulin to absorb glucose from the bloodstream. With over 250 million people suffering from diabetes worldwide, there is a
How to Stop Sweaty Palms
Sweaty palms can be very embarrassing to people of all ages. Some people suffer from clammy hands while others walk around with sweat literally dripping off of their fingers. Here are some ways to stop sweaty palms and feel normal again.