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Dog Breeds : Pets & Animal
Training Your Dog
Training is essential for every dog. Get the basics here so that you start out right with your new dog. A well trained dog will be happier, and so will you. Training should be fun, not a chore.
Aggression in Dogs
Aggression in dogs can be very alarming. Many owners become very frustrated trying to control their aggressive dogs while at the same time trying desperately to find a reason and solution to their aggressive behavior.
My Dead Dog Talks To Me: Our Conversations
If you have ever lost a pet, you know it can be hard; no matter how many times it has happened in your life. And if you have had that pet [or those pets] talk to you - you are not crazy - you are in good company. It's like Dia de los Muertos or Day of the Dead, which is a Mexican tradition that
Responding to Food Guarding in Adult Dogs
In a pack, it is not unusual for dogs to threaten each other over food, but one of them will usually back down and then everything is fine.If one doesn't back down, the outcome is decided by the one who is victorious in the resulting fight.
Gourmet Dog Treats - The Healthy Choice
Many pet owners grab a bag of treats off the grocery store shelf without considering the nutritional values. Gourmet dog treats are significantly dissimilar to the store bought treats in respect to quality and organic ingredients.
Dog Training - Bad Foods For Dogs
You may have seen many articles on the best and healthiest diet for your dog, but what foods should your dog not eat and what will help your dog's health in the short and long term. There are many different cases to look at when defining bad foods but there are guidelines that can be followed t
How to Identify a Pomeranian
The Pomeranian is an extroverted and very intelligent breed. Eager to learn and with a good spirit, it is a good family dog. It can be temperamental, but if properly socialized when young, will get along with other dogs and household pets. Even though this is a small dog, the owner must be careful n
What Are The Best Dog Treats For Dental Health?
What are the best dog treats for dental health for dogs? There are many that you can choose from but there is one that the experts think is better than others. Dog health care is very important including their teeth. So keeping your dog's teeth healthy by giving him dog dental treats, you can&a
House Training Puppies - Simple Steps to House Train Your Puppy Quickly
House training puppies can be a difficult task, but not impossible. Dogs are very smart and they can be trained fairly easily if you know what you are doing. When you get a new puppy, one of the first things that you will want to do, is to house train them. This is very important because it will kee
The Best Way to Crate Train Your Puppy
Training a puppy can seem like a daunting task, especially when there are so many training options to choose from. One of the simplest and easiest ways to train a puppy is crate training. Crate training allows you to keep training your dog even when you are not at home. You can begin training by gra
How to Get a Companion Dog for an Existing Dog
You're a pet owner and you've decided to get another dog---good for you. Getting a second dog can help provide companionship for your first dog and also provide further enjoyment for you, the pet owner. Plus, if you adopt a dog from the shelter, you can feel good about saving a life. But addi
Nutrient Requirements of a Large Breed Puppy
Large breed puppies require special nutritional english mastiff image by Joy Fera from Fotolia.comNot all dog breeds require the same nutrition in puppyhood. While it may seem like bigger breeds, such as Great Danes and Mastiffs, would require more food, overfeeding can actually...
Advantages of Crate Training Dogs You May Not Think Of
Mention crate training to new dog owners, and chances are they will cringe. Those mournful eyes staring at them through the bars make them feel guilty. But a kennel can help you control dog behavior and provide safety, whether at home or on the road. Here's why I think that dogs and crate train
Signs & Symptoms of a Pregnant Pug Dog
An attentive pug.Sitting Pug image by LOLA from Fotolia.comAs with all dogs, pugs exhibit a variety of signs and symptoms throughout their pregnancies. A normal pregnancy lasts about 63 days. The pregnancy is divided into three stages: early, middle and final. Each stage lasts...
Key to Successfully Leash Training Your Dog
Some dog owners are lucky enough to never have to leash train their dogs. However, a lot of dogs do not respond well to walking on a leash and will pull violently throughout the course of the walk. It is important to catch and correct this problem as soon as possible.
Dog Food Recipes - Dog Food Nutrition Using the Right Ingredients
Several years ago there was a major pet food recall that affected thousands of dogs and their owners worldwide. Because of this many of us have considered making our own dog food.So in order to make a good dog food recipes, what would be the right ingredients for proper dog food nutrition?
Why Does My Dog Keep Humping?
Does your dog seem to love humping everything in sight? Find out why some dogs hump and learn what you can do to prevent this behavior.
Does Your Dog Wipe Their Feet After a Toilet Session?
Have you ever seen your dog wipe their hind paws on the ground after they toilet?This may seem absurd, but is a very common and natural thing for a dog to do - and they may not 'need' to do it every time!
5 Ways to Care For Your Dog's Eyes
When it comes to caring for your dog or puppy, do not ignore proper eye care and safety. Some dog owners forget the little things when it comes to their dog's eye health and this can result in health problems in the future.Below are a few dog eye-care pointers:
Absolutely Vital Dog Training Commands The First-Time Owner Should Know
If you have a dog, no matter what the situation, you want them to be trained. You want them to be obedient and know and follow all of your rules. In fact, if you don't train your dog and you don't teach them the rules that you expect them to follow, it actually isn't fair to the dog.