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Fly Fishing : Travel & Places
The Best Lures for Fishing the Texas Gulf
A Rapala fishing lurefishing lure image by sasha from Fotolia.comWith miles of coastline, fishermen come to the Texas Gulf Coast for its allure of quality fishing. No matter the season, anglers can fish rocky channels and swirling breakwaters to catch a wide assortment of fish, such as...
Humminbird 898C Vs. 998C
It's possible to find fish as if you can see right through the deep waters, and you can also scan structures throughout the ocean floor. Systems such as the Humminbird fishfinder 898 and 998 are equipped with technology like wide-scanning sonars and clear imaging. Compare the two and choose a model
Galapagos Tortoises' Diet
Galapagos tortoises, denizens of the desert islands in the Pacific Ocean, became famous when Charles Darwin discovered and studied them in the 1830s. Since then, these large turtles have become popular, highly unique symbols of life in inhospitable environments and evolution. Because they live on sp
How to Tie Mini-Jigs for Trout
A mini jig is used to attract trout species in a range of water conditions from small spring creeks to large lakes. Brown and rainbow trout are two species that jigs are used to attract. A custom mini jig is tied in much the same manner as a panfish jig and allows the use of colors based on personal
How to Catch North Carolina Shrimp
Shrimping is the number one fishing industry in North Carolina. It's also popular in nearby states like Georgia and South Carolina. You can shrimp fish for recreational value, for local sale or for personal consumption, but be sure to check your area's regulations and laws to ensure you are within t
What Makes the Flies Attracted to Dead Things & Garbage?
Of the approximately 87,000 two-winged insect species in the Diptera order, Musca domestica, or the house fly, is most likely to infiltrate your home. However, fruit flies, drain flies, cluster flies and gnats also tend to bug humans around the house, depending on the season. These buzzing pests are
Bass Fishing Tips for Murky Water
Bass fishing in murky water can be tricky.antique fishing lure image by Jeffrey Sinnock from Fotolia.comBass is a popular gamefish and includes both freshwater and saltwater varieties. Fishing for bass is a common pastime, especially largemouth, smallmouth, striped and spotted varieties....
How to Rewrap a Fishing Rod
Over time, due to continuous stress or environmental damage, the threading that wraps your line guides on your fishing rod can become loose or frayed, which results in jerky, unstable casting or reel action. At worst, if the wrapping is sufficiently damaged, you could lose the rod's line guides on a
The Importance of Coastal Erosion to the Pacific Islands
Coastal erosion is a natural occurrence that fuels sediment re-distribution among the coasts of all islands and continents. It maintains a balance that has recently shifted because of climate and anthropologic changes. Increased coastal erosion has become a problem worldwide, especially for the Paci
How Do Water Monitors Swim?
Water MonitorsExtent of where water monitors liveFound in Northern Australia, Malaysia and Southeast Asia, water monitors (Varanus salvator) can grow up to three meters long, making them the second-largest lizards on Earth. Water monitors spend the majority of their lives in or near the...
Differences Between Commercial & Recreational Fishing
Fishing is a game that is equally popular as a recreational activity and as a business. The game can bring money and can also bless with maximum relaxation of their daily lives. If you are ...
How Fishing Reels Work
How Fishing Reels WorkFishermen use fishing reels to hold the line, cast, and retrieve the fishing line and lures they use to catch fish. Fishing reels come in a number of shapes and sizes, but the two most common varieties are spinning reels and baitcasting reels. While each type is...
How to Clean a Catfish
Catfish, which are sometimes called "bullheads," are very common in most North American freshwater lakes, ponds, streams and canals.Catfish are easily recognized by the barbels, or feelers, that look like cat whiskers on their faces. These barbels are harmless, contrary to what many
Flounder Fishing in North Carolina
Commercial and recreational fishermen fish for flounder in the waters of North Carolina, using a variety of baits and methods. The North Carolina Division of Marine Fisheries regulates flounder fishing in order to protect the survival of the species.
How to Make an Air Pump for a Fish Tank
Aquatic creatures require air that has been dissolved in water to survive. Air pumps do not put oxygen directly into water though. The bubbles that they produce create gentle currents that bring oxygen depleted water from the lower regions of the aquarium to the surface, where it can be re-oxygenate
Supplies for Jug Fishing
An empty, washed milk jug is a great jug to use for jug fishing.Container of milk. Plastic milk bottle image by L. Shat from Fotolia.comJug fishing is a technique that requires the fisher to do little to nothing except set up the jug rig. The jug rig uses a few simple ingredients that...
Choosing the Right Fishing Reel for Beginners
If you are a veteran fisherman, then you probably know everything that I'm about to mention on this page. But for new fisherman, this page is just for you. If you're looking for information on ...
How to Put a Sand Flea on a Hook
Ocean surf fishermen use sand fleas when they target fish like pompano and redfish. Sand fleas are not actually fleas; they are crabs that do not have claws and can be found in the wet sand of many ocean beaches. Some people buy sand fleas at the store, while others catch their own. There are severa
How to Attach a Fly Line Loop to the Backing
Big fish can strip your fly line down to the backing and with some fish, the backing will run through the guides of your fly rod. For this reason, you need to tie your fly line to the backing line with a slim knot that will easily pass through the guides of your fly rod. If the knot is too large, it
How to Fish for Sheepshead
Sheepshead are a delicious fish native to the Atlantic and Gulf Coasts. They have a firm white meat that tastes excellent grilled, baked, blackened or fried. They are however, one of the hardest fish to catch and can be quite frustrating to a novice angler.