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Fly Fishing : Travel & Places
Fathead Minnow Toxicity
The fathead minnow is a type of small freshwater fish native to North America. In the wild, it is a dull olive-gray with a dark stripe down the side and a lighter belly. This fish lives primarily in lakes and streams, and is very hardy. It is often used to test the toxicity of chemicals and water co
How to Assemble Fishing Lures At Home
Fishing lures are used to attract and catch fish. From fresh water lakes, rivers and ponds to salt water along the surf or open ocean, a wide range of lures are available to imitate bait fish and other naturally occurring food that fish eat. Although these lures are readily available from many retai
How to Catch Bass on Plastic Worms
Catching bass on plastic worms is one of the most popular ways to catch these fish. The plastic worms are easy to use, can be hooked onto a single or double hook or a leaded or weight hook, or used with a sinker. As long as you work the worms in the right places at the right times, you are bound to
How to Make Lures From a Trolling Sinker
Vertical fishing using jigging spoons is a popular technique to lure schooling fish over deep water. Jigging spoons are used by both fishermen in boats and ice fishermen. Many brands are available in many colors and finishes, or you can make your own from an in-line trolling sinker. Trolling sinkers
How to Fix a Fishing Trawler Net in Runescape
"RuneScape" is an online role-playing game. To add variety to the gaming experience, RuneScape created multiplayer mini-games, allowing players to work together in an activity while increasing certain skills. The Fishing Trawler is a member's mini-game that requires fixing leaks and fishing nets on
Berkley Swim Bait Techniques
Berkley swim baits are effective at imitating live prey fish and can be used to catch a variety of fish species, including bass and walleyes. The soft plastic baits are available in sizes ranging from 2 to 6 inches. Some come rigged with a weighted hook, and others require that anglers rig them. The
How to Use Circle & Kahle Hooks
Successful catch-and-release fishing depends upon proper fish-handling techniques and selecting the right hook. Circle hooks provide anglers with a low-risk hook choice because their design limits hooking to the fish's lips or the corner of the mouth rather than throat or the gills. The circle hook'
How to Respool a Baitcaster Reel
Knowing how to respool your baitcaster reel can keep your fishing trip on track if anything happens to the existing line on your spool. For example, you might lose your line to the infamous big one that got away. You could also find that someone has spilled something on your reel that makes your lin
Description of Fur Seals
According to National Geographic, fur seals are named for the fur that originally made them attractive to hunters. In 1911, fur seals were on their way to becoming extinct and became protected by law. Since then, their population has grown to 1.3 million animals.
How to Mount a Fish Finder Transducer on a Trolling Motor
A fish finder uses sonar to read the the lake bottom and let a fisherman literally go where the fish are. Each fish finder has three components: a transducer, which is attached below the waterline on the boat or to the bottom of the trolling motor, a control panel, the display screen in the boat, wh
How to Make Frog-Themed Wall Decorations for a Child's Room
Many children love frogs. Frogs are active and fun, making great "ribbe-t" noises that can make them giggle. It is ideal to create frog decorations for your child's walls. Your child will enjoy looking at this nature scene filled with frogs.
Bluegill Fishing in Oklahoma
Common and fairly easy to locate, bluegills are highly popular gamefish in Oklahoma and across the country. Bluegills can be found in most of Oklahoma's lakes, rivers, and reservoirs, and make for great family fishing. And best of all, bluegills are delicious, and catching them can be as simple as d
Tuna Fishing in Biloxi, Mississippi
Biloxi, Mississippi, is a port city on the Gulf Coast of Mexico. This coastal region offers saltwater fishing enthusiasts the opportunity to catch large game fish including several varieties of tuna.
Ontario Steelhead Fishing
Fly fishing for steelhead trout in Ontario is popular along rivers and shores of the Great Lakes and Georgian Bay. Months for fishing include October and November with April and May as the most productive months.
History of Color Ink
In the 12th century B.C., Chinese scribes commonly used ink made of soot and graphite mixed with animal hide gelatin. Asian and other ancient cultures simultaneously developed and extensively used color inks.
Combining Hiking With Fishing
When it comes to the great outdoors, nothing is better than combining fishing with hiking. Most anglers are very picky about how crowded their fishing spots get. Many anglers will go to great lengths and ...
How to Use a Foam Bobber
Foam bobbers are a popular tool to use in fishing. These lightweight floaters are very popular with anglers going after medium sized fish. Their shape and weight make them more sensitive and give you a better idea when you have a bite by giving quicker reactions than a plastic bobber.
How to Be a Cyndaquil in "Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of the Sky"
Unlike in the main games in the "Pokemon" franchise, you play as a Pokemon instead of a Pokemon Trainer in "Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of the Sky" for the Nintendo DS. Whenever you start a new game, the game prompts you to take a short personality quiz. The way you answer the personality qui