How to Control Pet Odor in the Home
- 1). Indoor pet accidents are the biggest cause of household pet odors, but preventing accidents is simple. House-train all pets, and make sure they are let out often to relieve themselves. If you have cats, ensure that each cat has it own clean litter box to use.
- 2). Pet dander and hair can also cause odor, so vacuum your carpets frequent and wash any pet bedding at least once a week (twice if the weather is damp and your pet has been getting wet). Don't forget to bathe your pet weekly to cut down on odor.
- 3). For mild airborne or fabric pet odors, try aerosol sprays. Purchase sprays that advertise eliminating odor, which do more than just mask smells. Spray areas where your pet spends the most time like bedding, carpets and couches. Scented candles also help erase pet odors and add warmth and style to your home.
- 4). Use absorbents, available at many pet supply stores, in high-traffic areas to absorb and control pet odors. Place the absorbent near pet beds, litter boxes and behind trashcans.
- 5). Disinfectants use enzymes to control and eliminate more serious pet odors. Use disinfectant on hard surfaces to cut down on severe odors and to reduce germs.