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Healthy Living : Health & Medical
Home Remedies for Removing Skunk Odor
Skunk musk comes from two sacks found on either side of a skunk's anus. These sacks produce and store an oily liquid that can be sprayed more than twenty feet when both sacks are utilized. The active compounds within this liquid are mainly composed of sulfur-containing elements, which is what caus
How Much Omega-3 Should Be Used for ADHD?
Children who have ADHD may benefit from a diet high in omega-3 essential fats. Clinical findings suggest that children experiencing ADD and ADHD have more thirst and more frequent urination than children who do not have the condition, suggesting that there may be a correlation between the disorder a
What is Vermiculite?
Vermiculite is a mineral that has numerous commercial applications. One of its properties is its tendency to expand when exposed to rapid increases in heat. Expanded vermiculite has been used as a component of insulation, concrete, potting soil and brake pad liners. Vermiculite from one major sourc
Facts on Construction Safety
There are possible dangers associated with most occupations, but a construction site is certainly one of the more hazardous places to work. With so much heavy, powerful equipment, as well as often-precarious work sites, the possibility for injury is substantially higher than in a general office env
Use of Metronidazole for Bacterial Vaginosis
Bacterial vaginosis is a common infection in women in their child-bearing years that develops when the balance of bacteria in the vagina is disturbed and certain bacteria grow out of control. Common symptoms of bacterial vaginosis include vaginal discharge with a strong, fishy odor. Many women with
What Is Gel Electrophoresis?
Gel electrophoresis is a method of separating, identifying and characterizing mixtures of proteins or nucleic acids. Denatured samples migrate after application of electricity in a thin, wet gel typically made from polyacrylamide or agarose. The separated samples are stained so they can be seen. Gel
Health Benefits of Vanadyl Sulfate
Vanadyl sulfate is a compound of vanadium, which is found in eggs, vegetable oils, pepper, buckwheat, oats, radishes and dill. Vanadyl sulfate is a synthetic form of insulin. According to Vanderbilt University, it is popular among weight lifters wanting to increase their levels of insulin. It is a s
Rubbing Alcohol Safety
Isopropyl "rubbing" alcohol is very common in laboratories, doctors' offices and private homes. However, it is necessary to practice proper safety precautions when dealing with rubbing alcohol, because it can be unsafe under some circumstances.
Food Container Safety
Containers can be used to store a variety of foods--produce, leftovers, cookies and other dry goods. Storing food in containers can be a sufficient way to keep the food fresh and prevent pests from getting to it. However, there are some important rules to follow to keep your food safe when using con
Health, Safety & Welfare on a Construction Site
Construction sites are often very dangerous places. Construction workers and management must work to ensure that the health, safety and welfare of everyone involved is not in jeopardy.
How To Take Floradix
Over 30 percent of the world's population suffers from anemia, most often due to an iron deficiency. Floradix Floravital Iron Plus Herbs offers an affordable, natural alternative to synthetic iron supplements. In addition, Floradix provides a rich source of B vitamins and vitamin C. Floradix is popu
Zeolite Health Benefits
Zeolite is a mineral found in volcanic rock, ash and sea salt. Zeolite has a honeycomb structure that, combined with a negative magnetic charge, give Zeolite many health benefits. Zeolite, as a dietary supplement, is taken in liquid form.
How to Make a Pecs Schedule for Autistic Kids
Autistic spectrum disorders cause communication and social delays. Some autistic children do not speak, making it difficult for parents and teachers to communicate with them about their desires as well as about tasks and chores that need to be done. A Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS) is
How to Make Grapefruit Seed Extract
Grapefruit seed extract is a popular natural remedy for many ailments, including skin conditions like eczema and psoriasis. Grapefruit seed extract is generally commercially manufactured. The process of making grapefruit seed extract is fairly difficult, and includes a series of chemical and heat tr
How to Follow the High School Reunion Diet
The High School Reunion Diet is an eating plan adapted from the book of the same name by New York dermatologist Dr. David Colbert. The diet claims that in as little as 30 days you will look slimmer and younger; just in time for your high school reunion or other special event. Although the book does
The Effects of UV Rays on the Skin
The Environmental Protection Agency [EPA] describes UV rays as a form of invisible electromagnetic radiation produced by the sun and artificial tanning beds. Ultraviolet, or UV, rays promote vitamin D production in the body, which is important for building immunity and strengthening teeth and bones.
What Are the Benefits of a Balanced Diet?
A balanced diet has no prescribed, specific amounts of food; however, guidelines are set forth by the U.S. Department of Agriculture in its food pyramid. You can tailor these ideas for a personalized healthy eating plan. When you know what a balanced diet means for yourself, you can see how many ben
Acai Berries Benefits
Acai berries have been called a "superfood" that offers anti-aging, weight-loss and other health benefits. According to WebMD, the berries' benefits are still being studied.
How to Squeeze a Boil
Though most everyone has squeezed a boil at some time, medical professionals do not advise you to do so. A boil is an abscess under your skin that is filled with bacteria and white blood cells. It must be cared for properly in order to remove the bacteria and prevent additional infection. White bloo