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Hunting/Shooting : Travel & Places
How to Tune a Duck Commander Call
Duck hunting success is based upon the ability to take advantage of opportunities. While firing a shotgun accurately at a distant or moving target determines success, calling an individual or team of ducks into range is required for that opportunity. Different foul have different calls. Tuning your
Elk Hunts in Wyoming
Wyoming offers plenty of open spaces for hunting and one of its most popular game is elk. Knowing Wyoming's hunting regulations, plus a few good private hunting outfitters, will help you plan the best elk hunts.
Hunting Light Review - Spotlight 12v Compact Rechargeable LED Flashlight
Hunting light review of Spotlight 12v compact rechargeable LED flashlight, which charges in a vehicle cigarette lighter socket.
How to Make Catfish Traps
The size and shape of catfish make them ideal to catch in traps. There are many different types of traps you can build, but the easiest one that you can put together is one that uses wire mesh. It is rather inexpensive and can be built quickly. Instead of making one, you can make several catfish tra
How to Flush a Rabbit Out
Many hunters get their start pursuing small game species such as rabbits. Not only are the little critters abundant in many areas, but they also taste good. Some of the best habitat for rabbits is heavy cover along farm fields. That includes small pieces of habitat such as brush piles, as well as la
El Paso Leather / Nevada Gun Leather Pistol Caddy
Russ Chastain's test and review of El Paso Leather (Nevada Gun Leather) Pistol Caddy
Definition of Round for Ammunition Firearms and Guns
Definition of round as it pertains to guns and shooting terminology. What is a round for a gun? This article answers that question.
Caribou Hunting Trips in Canada
Mature caribou can weigh between 130 to 350 lbs.caribou buvant image by hattiney from Fotolia.comCharacterized by large antlers and a white cape, sub-species of caribou are found in every Canadian province. Hunters from around the world travel to Canada every year to hunt caribou for the...
Definition of Fluting or Fluted Barrel or Cylinder
Definition of fluting as it pertains to guns and shooting. What makes a barrel or cylinder fluted, and why is it done? Find out here.
Colorado Elk Hunting on Public Land
As the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation says, "Colorado is the big box store of the elk hunting world." This statement comes as a result of the largest elk population, 280,000 elk as of 2009, and more than 22.7 million acres of land set aside for public hunting. Do-it-yourself or guided hunters have pl
Definition of Bore Brush as it Pertains to Guns and Shooting
What is a bore brush, and what is it good for? Find out here.
How to Trap With Steel Traps
Steel traps come in a variety of sizes and styles for different conditions and animals. The most commonly used sizes range from size 0 for weasels up to size 4 for coyotes and beaver. There are bigger traps, but they are not commonly used by fur trappers. The spring designs are single longspring, do
How to Decock/Uncock a Crossbow Using a Rope Cocking Aid
How to decock/uncock a crossbow using a rope cocking aid. Simple rope devices with pulleys and plastic hooks and handles are great tools for cocking your crossbow, but what you may not know is that they can also be used to decock many crossbows.
How to Hunt Turkey From a Tripod Stand
Hunting turkeys involves a lot of practice, patience and execution. While hunting for turkeys, keep an eye on your surroundings and pay attention to the lay of the land, the animal activity and, of course, the turkeys. Sight is your best friend while hunting turkeys, so hunt from a tripod stand to g
How to Re-Barrel an SMLE
The 1939 Short Magazine Lee-Enfield (SMLE) No. 4 was part of the venerable line of Enfield variants introduced in 1904. The SMLE 4 is a bolt-action, magazine-fed rifle chambered for .303 ammunition. A bulked-up barrel on the No. 4 made it heavier and more accurate than previous Enfield models. After
How to Make a Good Rabbit Trap
When in a survival situation, once you have shelter, water and fire, food is the next priority. In many areas of North America, rabbit is a readily available food source. Rabbits typically move along "runs" or trails they make through grass and other brush. A type of trap, known as a twitch-up snare
How to Remove the Hide From a Deer Head
Deer heads are skinned out primarily for head mounts. Skinning the hide from a deer head requires a sharp knife as the hide clings tightly to the skull and will need to be cut free the entire way. This requires careful skinning as the hair is short on the head and cuts are difficult to repair so the
Michigan's Private Land Hunting Rules
Michigan allows some hunting on private lands.deer image by Henryk Olszewski from Fotolia.comMichigan's Hunting Access Program (HAP) allows the public to hunt on private lands in southern Michigan that have been leased by the state. Access is usually first-come, first-served, so the...
Supplies Needed for Hunting
Enthusiastic hunters frequently arrive on site and realize they left something critical behind. It is wise to assemble a checklist well before your trip, adding items as they come to mind. That way, when you're ready to go you can pack by the numbers.