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Hunting/Shooting : Travel & Places
Turkey Hunting Seasons
The sound of a gobbling tom can make the hair on the back of your neck stand up. Fortunately for the turkey hunter, turkey seasons occur in the spring and fall and have extended hunting seasons to counteract the increasing number of birds.
How to Improve My Mathews Q2 Bow
The Mathews Q2 compound bow was manufactured between 2000 and 2004. The discontinued bow remains valuable because it utilizes a built-in dampening system that reduces vibration and helps silence the bow. The Q2 was sold with a bowstring, but the owner is responsible for accessories and upgrades. Imp
Wild Hog Hunting in Louisiana
Feral hogs’ prolific breeding habits, adaptability to environments, degradation of wild habitats and susceptibility to disease has made these nonnative animals one of the most significant invasive species in the United States. In comparison to other areas of the country, the state of Louisian
How Does a King Crab Trap Work?
The most effective kind of king crab trap is a wire cage. Bait, usually a chunk of fish, is placed at the bottom of the trap. Crabs are attracted to the bait, and cannot get out of the trap.
Remington Model 700 Rifle Dangerous Defective Trigger and Safety
Hunting and Shooting - Remington Model 700 Rifle - Friend or Foe? Some of these rifles will allegedly fire via the safety!
How to Make Window Decals for a Hunting Club
Logos are an important symbol for any club or group. Decals on your vehicle that showcase your club's logo act as free advertising. A club member that has a decal displayed shows a sense of pride in his group.You can make decals for your hunting club using a home printer and special deca
Bogs Copperhead Camo Rubber Snake Boots Review
These camo rubber boots are snake resistant and waterproof - but how do they hold up? Read the review to learn more.
How to Use a Rifle to Deer Hunt in Maryland
Maryland is home to a wide variety of natural habitats that support thriving populations of both white-tailed and exotic sika deer. Although many states require the use of shotguns in big-game gun hunting, Maryland does permit the use of rifles for hunting deer. If you are a properly licensed deer h
Florida Shrimp Trap Laws
A Florida recreational shrimper can use no more than four traps.Design Pics/Valueline/Getty ImagesAccording to the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, shrimp traps may be used by any recreational harvester in possession of a recreational saltwater fishing license, with a...
Wisconsin DNR Deer Hunting
Deer thrive in Wisconsin, which makes hunting deer a popular outdoor activity in the state. Deer hunting also is a key component of the state's efforts to control the deer population. Deer hunters are only allowed to hunt on designated dates and in designated areas of the state. They also must follo
South Texas Hog Hunting Trips
In south Texas, hog hunting season is year round.wild boar image by Budai K??roly from Fotolia.comSouth Texas is home to many game animals, including white-tailed deer, wild hogs, and javelinas. Mild south Texas weather makes it possible to hunt hogs year round. There are many south...
Styles of Deer Mounts
Mounting just the antlers is cheaper and more rustic.antler image by sasha from Fotolia.comGetting a mount of your trophy deer commemorates your hunt and maintains the majesty of the animal. Engraved plaques with the date of the hunt and the name of the hunter let people know who got the...
How to Make a Minnow Net
Fishing for minnows is an enjoyable pastime for adults and children alike. Minnows are the juvenile form of a wide variety of fish and they are found in just about every body of water in the world. Minnows are naturally eaten by larger fish in the wild, which makes them popular fishing bait. Fishing
Colorado Elk Hunting Laws
Elk hunters must attend a Hunter's Education Course before obtaining a hunting license.elk image by Melissa Schalke from Fotolia.comElk hunting is a popular activity in Colorado. Elk hunters must observe all rules and regulations set forth by the Colorado Division Of Wildlife. This may...
Why Will a Rifle Zeroed at 25 Yards Hit Close to Point of Aim at Longer Range?
Why will a rifle zeroed at 25 yards hit close to point of aim at longer range? It's all about gravity's pull...
How to Hunt Brocket Deer
Brocket deer are a small species of deer that inhabit the tropical regions of southern Mexico, Central America, and areas in South America. Three subspecies of Brocket deer are found in Central America, and more than 10 are recognized in South America. The Brocket deer are considered to be a very sh
Hunting Lease Rules
hunting hut image by r-o-x-o-r from Fotolia.comAccording to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, 12.5 million people hunted throughout the U.S. in 2006. If you want to lease your land to hunters, have the proper rules in place to ensure a safe and profitable venture. Put your rules on a...
How to Build a Live Trap for Birds
Trapping animals with live traps enables a hunter or researcher to catch an animal without harming the animal. A box trap is a simple device for catching small game birds. A small wooden box, large enough to fit around the bird without injuring it but small enough to be easily portable, is propped u
How to Do Duck Mounts
One of the first stages to duck taxidermy is mounting the duck to the mounting board or stand that displays the duck. An effective mount holds the duck in place for many years in a natural-looking position. Before you can position the rest of the duck's body, you must first anchor the feet to the mo
Types of Deer Mounts
A quality mount of your trophy is often the best way to preserve the memories of a successful hunt. Depending on the size of your deer and whether the condition of the hide was compromised by the hunt or the kill, there are several basic categories of mounts to choose from. And within these categori