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Hunting/Shooting : Travel & Places
How to Process Deer Meat at Home
After spending months scouting and planning, your deer is finally on the ground. Now what? You could drop it off at a meat processor, but doing the butchering yourself is faster. You'll also know that the deer you eat didn't get mixed up with someone else's animal at the processor.
Definition of Toe
Definition of toe as it pertains to guns and shooting. What is a gun stock's toe, and what is it good for? Find out here.
How to Make a White European Deer Skull Mount
After scoring a trophy buck, many hunters like to mount a portion of the deer. With a European mount, flesh is removed from the head to leave only the skull and antlers. Additionally, the skull's bone is bleached to a very bright white. Preparing a skull for a European mount takes several hours of w
The Best Time to Take Weight Gainer
When you're trying to gain healthy weight, you may soon find out that it's even harder than losing weight. There are hundreds of products out on the market that promise to add pounds to your frame in no time. They probably will, but that doesn't mean you can just sit back, take the product and every
How to Make a Water Turtle Trap
Snapping turtles can become terrors in a lake or pond, praying on the other residents of the water, but their aggressive tendency can be turned against them with the introduction of a floating turtle trap. Once caught, the turtle meat can be used for cooking in a turtle soup. A simple homemade turtl
Private Land Open to Public Hunting in Ohio
Ohio is considered a top hunting destination for white-tailed deer, thanks to the state's policies that make it easier to obtain a license, a long deer season and a conservative buck harvest policy. While there are numerous public hunting opportunities in state parks, private land can increase your
How to Make Homemade Longboards
Skateboards can get pretty expensive, so for the frugal consumer who still wishes to carve around town on a longboard, here is a way to build your own. The deck is the only component you will actually have to build yourself. The trucks, wheels and bearings can be bought at any skate shop and attache
How to Build a Portable Deer Blind
Deer blinds are a shroud of camouflage, allowing the hunter within to see in all directions without the threat of falling from a high tree. Collapsible deer blinds add the convenience of portability. Commercial, collapsible deer blinds are readily available from retailers for a hefty sum, but fortun
Snow Goose Hunting in Saskatchewan
The prairies of Saskatchewan see thousands of snow geese pass through during the spring and fall as they stage migrations between their breeding areas in the Arctic and the warmer climes in the south where they winter. Known as the "lesser snow goose," the Chen caerulescens caerulescens has two dist
How to Replace a Lost Boat License in New Jersey
In New Jersey, before you can take your boat out on the ocean, you must have your boating safety certification card handy. This acts as your boating license. If you lost your boating certification you can have the card replaced by contacting the New Jersey Marine Service Bureau. All requests must be
Past Medalists: Shooting: 25m Pistol (30+30 shots) Women
The Women's Olympic Shooting 25m Pistol (30+30 shots) Gold, Silver, and Bronze Medal Winners from the Olympic Games.
How to Gut a Moose
Hunting moose means enjoying the beautiful outdoors and the majesty of the animals. You also have the camaraderie of the hunt and time with friends that adds to the fun. A successful kill brings a huge sense of accomplishment. Unfortunately, the next step is the hard work of field dressing the moose
Why Do White Tailed Spiders Have White Spots?
Spiders have different body markings for different reasons. Some spiders are a certain color or pattern to help them blend into their environment, hide from predators or attract prey. Other spiders have colorings that warn animals and humans that they are poisonous. Knowing the color patterns of dif
Illinois Animal Trapping Laws
Illinois, like many other states, allows hunting and trapping in designated areas at certain times and is home to at least 12 species of fur-bearing animals that can legally be trapped. To avoid penalties, fines and other strict punishments, it is necessary to be aware of the state's trapping regula
How to Use PVC Pipes on Deer Feeders' Legs
Using a deer feeder is a great an convenient way to attract a large number of deer to a particular area. However, most deer feeders have one drawback --- the legs tend to corrode out in the natural elements long before the working life of the feeder itself has expired. PVC is a great replacement or
Elk Hunting Regulations
Elk hunting regulations are designed for conservation.elk image by Earl Robbins from Fotolia.comElk provide a hunting opportunity for residents and nonresidents of several states and provinces throughout North America. An important natural resource, elk also have a significant economic...
How to Assemble the Trigger Group (Trigger Assembly)
How to install or assemble Ruger Carbine trigger group (trigger assembly).
How to Hunt and Trap Weasels
Wherever they are located, short-tailed weasels -- known in some areas as ermines -- are common targets of trappers, who skin them and sell their furs. Others hunt them for sport with guns. Some people, however, trap them simply to get rid of them -- around farms, for example, where they may kill ch
How to Clean Hunting & Fishing Equipment
Outdoor equipment such as hunting and fishing equipment often times carry hefty price tags especially in regard to quality items. To ensure this equipment is maintained in good working condition and lasts for many years, it is necessary to periodically clean both hunting and fishing gear. With a lit
How to Trap Mud Minnows
Mud minnows are a variety of small fish that are often used by fishers for bait. They are usually found in the muddy areas of lakes or streams in North America. The easiest way to trap mud minnows is to use an actual minnow trap. These traps are made out of a variety of materials, including stainles