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Marriage & Divorce : Family & Relationships
Top 10 Christian Relationship Advice For New Relationships and Married Couples
It is not easy to offer Christian relationship advice through an article without knowing who is reading and knowing your unique situation in details. However I will try to give some general advice throughout this ...
Dating After Divorce - 5 Ways to Know You're Ready to Date After Your Divorce
The divorce has been final for awhile and now friends are pressuring you about getting "back out there" and dating again. You're getting all kinds of helpful advice about people they know who would be perfect for you. But are you ready? Is adding the dating scene to your life a good m
How to Get Better by Controlling Your Anger in Marriage - 4 Secrets Exposed
You can have your marriage go the way you want it and have the joy that comes from it. You can get better and improve on yourself. You can put a check on your feelings especially that belligerence that is aroused by a real or supposed wrong done to you. If put a hold and master your emotions, you ar
Step Parenting - Why It's Good to Get Stuck in the Middle When You're a Step Parent
While being a step parent can be very confusing, there are some advantages.They're one of the most misunderstood family members of all time which can be frustrating.But the good news, is there are few hard and fast "rules" to step parenting so that adds a sense of flexibility.
It's a Wonderful Life (1946)
Review of movie It's a Wonderful Life. The movie It's a Wonderful Life has a great message about appreciating life and recognizing the impact we have on others.
Ready To Get Married?
Many people who fall deeply in love are sometimes quick to decide to get married the soonest time possible. They make decisions in haste without considering some important factors and at times without even thinking of their responsibilities and the changes that will take place in their lives.
Are You An Optimist?
Probably you have heard by now that, "It's not our problems but our reaction to our problems, what makes us either an optimist or a pessimist. WHICH ONE ARE YOU? Do you see a glass as half full or half empty? When you find yourself in the middle of financial problems, what do you say? &quo
Wedding Catering Tips
For many reasons, it is very important that you take the time to review the details of providing great cuisine through a responsible and reliable wedding caterer.
9 Things You Absolutely Must Do Before Filing for Divorce
There are 9 things you should do before filing for a divorce. Learn where you stand financially and what steps to take to protect your legal rights.
2 Amazingly Effective Ways to Get Your Girl to Come Back to You
Have you just experienced a bad breakup? Sometimes people say things they don't mean in the heat of an argument. This often leads to rash decisions that always cause feelings of regret the next day. ...
Brittany Murphy and Simon Monjack Marriage Profile
The short marriage of Brittany Murphy and Simon Monjack ended with the tragic death of Brittany. Simon died five months later. Here is more information about their controversial marriage.
Bridal Shower Prop and Entertainment
The host of the bridal shower can construct a prop that resembles a wishing well, which can be used to house unbreakable gifts or in this case be used for the entertainment purposes that I ...
How to change name after marriage: The Convenient way
How to change name after marriage? First, visit the offices that you're required to inform about your new name. One is actually legally required to notify agencies like the Social Security Administration and Department of ...
The Question and Answer Session Before Wedding
Marriage is a very important alliance, the decision of which is not only taken by the bride or the groom, but the verdict of the families of both the bride and groom also matters a lot. Both the bride and the groom, needs to pass a lot of tests, before each of their parents choose a perfect match fo
The Modern Girl's Plan to Make Him Fall in Love
Do you believe that a guy can still fall in love in this current world? Have the new rules of dating left you confused? Is love even possible for the younger generation? Do you have a plan of action?
Arizona Mediation for Divorce
In all states, divorce has to be decreed by a court for it to be legal.However, without doing the courtroom divorce, couples can easily have a calmer, more agreeable divorce where they make the decisions rather than letting the judge do so.Through mediation, this is being achieved more and more.
I Feel Love Sick - Is That Normal?
Who hasn't seen the love sick cows mooing in the cartoons? The caricatures depicting what humans in love go through; they are love sick! Is love a sickness? Is this normal?
Signs Your Spouse Is Cheating - 2 Important Things To Look Out For!
That your spouse is cheating on you can be a very distressing thought to entertain. Difficult still is to remain calm when you suspect your partner of infidelity. The doubt alone can give you sleeples
Make Your Own Happy Marriage Recipe
Anyone who has ever ventured into the home of a many years' happily married couple has probably seen the Happy Marriage Recipe hanging in the kitchen. You know the one, it lists several "ingredients" just like a regular recipe.
The Modern Marriage - Sanctity Or a Whim?
Nowadays we have liberal laws, equal rights and freedom in so many ways, which is a great thing, but in the course of achieving this liberal life did we forget about the traditions and value of marriage? Through the ages, marriage has evolved and changed so much - in early years there were exclusive